

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> BEC中级 >> 口语听力 >> 2014年下半年商务英语中级口语讲解:第二课时


来源:考试网   2014-08-01【


  Ⅰ Conversation

  PART 1: Exchange personal information

  This part aims to prepare the candidate for phase 1 of the speaking test, which takes the form of an interview, with each candidate talking in turn to the examiner. This involves the candidate answering questions, responding to a comment or participating in an exchange or greeting.

  Activity 1:

  Asking each other’s name (including spelling), hometown, occupation, hobbies

  Further probing: describe your hometown (location, city, town, village) climate, population, etc.

  Further probing: describe your occupation/ or major (if student), likes and dislikes about your occupation.

  Further probing: asking each other about marital status/ with or without boy friend/girlfriend.

  Asking for opinion on married/single life, which is better?

  Further probing: asking each other about hobbies.

Possible Questions

Suggested Answers and Note

1)      What’s your registration number?

²      My registration number is…

2)      What’s your name?

How do you spell your name?

How do you spell your family name / surname / last name?

²      My last name is…

²      My given name is…, but my friends always call me…, my English name.

²      You can call me…, if you like / wish.

²      nickname

3)      Where are you from?

Would you say it’s a good place to live in?



Do you like living in…?

Where would you like rather live…or…?


Do you think it would be better to live in…or…? (Why?)


²      Weather

²      Transportation

²      Environment

²      Housing

Houses are pricey in this area.

²      Night life (exciting, dynamic)

²      Local people

²      Local government

²      Job opportunities

²      Resorts (skiing)

²      Atmosphere


ü       selling points


Possible Questions

Suggested Answers and Note

4)      Do you come from a large family or a small family?


Can you tell me a bit about…in your family?

²      Extended family

²      Nuclear family



5)      Do you work or are you a student in…?


What do you do?


What do you study?

What’s your major?


What do you like most about your job?



What do you like most about your studies?


ü       Major v.

I majored in… , and minored in…



²      Ever since I was a child, I was interested in…


²      Job Satisfaction

²      Interesting & challenging

Traveling opportunity

Training (career development)

Financial benefits



Free Time


Do you have much free time?



How do you spend your free time?


What do you do in your free time?


What’s your hobby?


Why do you like…?


Is there any particular reason why you enjoy…?


When did you first take up / start…

(Why did you start then?)


²      Particular reason

²      Cultivate a hobby

²      It’s never too late to take a hobby.                                   



²      Outdoor activities:

Sports: tennis / golf / baseball / attend the gym / fitness center

ü       Work out=exercise


²      Recharge the battery:

Attend a training course

Read various books, for example…

²      Chat online

Watch TV

(passive viewer) TV=one-eyed monster

ads (advertisement advert)


ü       Commercial

ü       Teleplay

ü       Educational programs

ü       Amusement programs


²      Music: classical / light/ pop / jazz / blues


²      Fine arts

Abstract painting / oil painting


ü       I am fond of traveling. Traveling is a good way of learning and a good way of communicating with other people.

ü       No, I don’t have much free time, because so many wonderful courses are fixed.

ü       I prefer doing exercises, (most of time) I’d like to attend the gym or go to the fitness centers. If time is enough, I’ll read various books.


  Ⅱ Conversation

Possible Topics & Questions

Suggested Answers and Note



How did you come here today?

How did you travel to the test?

Did you come here by bus?


If you could travel by any form of transport you want, what would you choose? (Why?)

Which form of transport would you like to travel by?


How do you think you will travel to work in 15 years’ time?

How do you think you will travel to work 15 years from now?




²      Bus / taxi / cab / private car / subway /

Tube underground / tram



time / safety / money




²      light way / subway / airport

²      It would be fast developing in 15 years time and will cover everywhere in Beijing. It will be really convenient.




What kind of accommodation do you usually stay in when you go on holiday?


Do you stay in a hotel or an apartment you are on holiday?




What kinds of facilities do you think hotels ought to provide for business people? (Why?)






Do you think companies should pay for their staff to stay in expensive hotels on business trips? (Why? / Why not?)



Should people stay in expensive hotels on business trips? (Why? / Why not?)




²      hotel/motel/villa/apartment/flat(BrE)/dorm

²      city breaks, beach holidays

sun-tanned / fast-tanned center

²      camping  camp or tent

²      Hitchhiking, hitchhiker (take a gap year)

²      Domestic travel

²      Sight seeing


²      Hi-tech, Local Area Net, internet, database system, fax

²      Well equipped conference room,


multi-function hall

video-conferencing, tele-conferencing


²      It depends (on the different circumstances).

If you fix a deal which is worth $1000000, in that case, your company will pay for you to live…

If you go there for only $2, it’s impossible.


Possible Topics & Questions

Suggested Answers and Note



What kind of job would you like to do most?


What would your ideal job be?

What kind of job do you like?


Should companies offer training to staff?

(Why? / Why not?)

Do you think companies should provide training for staff?


Would you like to work abroad?

(Why? / Why not?)

Is the opportunity to work in another country important to you?





Job title

Job responsibility

Job satisfaction



²      trainingàproductivityàprofitàmotivation

But: trainingàcost money, time, staff

opportunity cost

internal conflict


²      broaden one’s horizon, experience

²      …is quite an experience to me.

²      …is a real eye-opener

²      culture messenger


Training Course


What kind of training course have you ever taken?

Have you ever taken any training course?


What do you think is most important when you choose a training course? (Why?)








What do you usually expect from a training course?




NewOriental School BEC online training course


Computer skill training course




Duration of course


Flexibility of trainer

Topics covered


Follow up advice


High expectancy

Life expectancy

Possible Topics & Questions

Suggested Answers and Note

Future Plan

What would you like to do after you finish your studies? (Why?)


What are you doing now for the preparation of your future plan?


What if you failed to find a job as a…?


What would you do if you couldn’t find a job as a…?



²      go abroad, look for a job, hunt for a job, study further, post graduate

²      knowledge preparation: attend training course

²      psychological preparation: be mature

improve interpersonal skills



²      It is not quite possible.

ü       If you don’t want me, there are several other companies waiting for me, actually I’ve got several offers.


ü       Can you do it?

AmE: Yes, definitely is a piece of cake.

BrE: I’m sure I can do it.



What kind of people do you most like working /studying with? (Why?)


What do you think makes a good team?

What is a good team?


Do you think you work in a good team?

(Why? / Why not?)



²      Honest and have good interpersonal skills



²      Cooperation and friendly atmosphere

²      Mutual trust

  Ⅲ Conversation Topics

  Asking about personal views.

  1. Why do you study English?

  2. Why do you want to study business?

  3. What do you think of some modern methods of payment (credit cards, cheques, bank transfers)?

  4. What role does the computer play in modern business?

  5. What are some necessary steps for preparing a business trip overseas?

  6. Which kind of office would you prefer to work in, cellular or an open-plan office?

  7. What do you think of international trade?

  8. How to deal with customer enquires on the phone?

  9. Transportation: (What is your usual means of transportation? Compare the various means of transportation)

  10. Health and safety in the workplace (How to ensure a healthy working environment for employees? What are some health hazards in the office/factory shop? What safety measures should be adopted in the workplace?)

  11. How to keep a balance between growth and environment protection?

  12. Radio and TV (What are your favorite/TV programs? Why?)

  13. What kind of role does advertising play in promoting your products/services? Which form of advertising is most effective in your opinion?

  14. What are the required qualities of a modern manager?

  15. What do you know about flexible time?

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