

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> BEC中级 >> 口语听力 >> 2014年BEC中级口语考试复习讲义(二)


来源:考试网   2014-04-23【

  1.What do you wear when you go to college? (如果你是学生,需要准备)

  2.How do you normal dress for job? (如果你是非学生,需要准备)

  3.The company has a dress code for their employee, what’s you viewpoint?(如果你是非学生,需要准备)

  4.Do you think businessman have enough time to relax themselves? And why?

  5. About free time or to relax work

  Should the company offer leisure facility to employee? And why?

  Matter people free time or money more? And why?

  Is employee encouraged to work overtime? And why?

  6. About Business news

  What kind of business news is most interesting? And why?

  How do you keep up with business news?

  Is it important for business people read business news? And why?

  7.About organizing time

  Do you think you are good at organizing the work? And why?

  Is it important to be well organized in the work? And why?

  Do you think people will work more efficiently if they take a regular breaks? And why?

  8.About conference

  How useful for business people to go to conferences?

  What makes a conference interesting? And why?

  Do you think pay for staff to come to the conference in other country? And why?


  当问Do you think。。。。时,回答是Yes, I think so / No, I don’t think so

  当问Is it important。。。时,回答是Yes,it is important / No, it is not important

  当问到And why时,才回答原因。



责编:fengyue 评论 纠错


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