

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> BEC中级 >> 口语听力 >> 2014年商务英语中级:TakingandPassingMessages3


来源:考试网   2013-12-29【

  Melita has started her new job as a junior secretary at Modern Office Limited. Part of Opal's work is now to train Melita in her secretarial duties. Today she is going to show Melita how to take a message on the telephone. Here are Opal and Melita.

  OPAL: Well Melita, were you tired last night after your first day here?

  MELITA: Yes, I was. There were so many new things to learn.


  OPAL: You answer it.


  MELITA: Good morning.

  OPAL: (LOUD WHISPER) Mr Ballito's office.

  MELITA: Oh, Mr Ballito's office.

  MRS BALLITO: Is Mr Ballito there?

  MELITA: No, he's out …… (WHISPER) Oh dear, what have I said.

  OPAL: (WHISPER) Let me take the Call, Melita. (NORMAL VOICE)

  Good morning,Can I help you?

  MRS BALLITO: Well, I wanted to speak to Mr Ballito but I understand he's out.

  OPAL: May I know who's calling please?

  MRS BALLITO: This is Mrs Ballito. Do you know where my husband is?

  OPAL: Oh, hello, Mrs Ballito, this is Opal.

  MRS BALLITO: Hello, Opal. I didn't recognize your voice. Was it you who answered the phone?

  OPAL: (LAUGHING) No, that was Melita.

  MRS BALLITO: Melita?

  OPAL: Yes, she's the new junior secretary. She started work here yesterday.

  MRS BALLITO: Oh, I see. Do you know where Mr Ballito is, Opal? It's rather urgent.

  OPAL: Oh yes, of course, Mrs Ballito.If you give me the message, I'll contact him immediately.

  MRS BALLITO: Well,the problem is this, My car won't start and I should collect my daughter from school at a quarter past twelve.I want Mr Ballito to collect her for me on his way home at Lunchtime. It's nearly twelve o'clock now …… do you think you can get the message to him in time?

  OPAL: Yes, of course, Mrs Ballito.

  MRS BALLITO: Thank you, Opal. Goodbye.


  OPAL: That was Mrs Ballito on the phone, Melita. Her car won't start and so she wants Mr Ballito to collect their daughter from school. Oh, do YOU remember where Mr Ballito said he was going?

  MELITA: No, I don't.

  OPAL: You must always make 4 note of things like that, Melita. He said he was going to see Mr Li at the Dongali Development Corporation.

  MELITA: Oh yes, so he did.

  OPAL: Now listen carefully to what I say. You will ther know how to pass on a message like this yourself the next time. Ur, what' s the telephone number of the Dongaii Development Corporation?

  MELITA: Em …… 32185 (FADE DOWN)

  MALE VOICE: Good morning. Mr Li's office.

  OPAL: Oh, good morning. I have a message for Mr Ballito. I think he's with Mr Li.

  MALE VOICE: He's with Mr Li now.

  OPAL: Well, would you please ask him if I could speak to him for a moment. I have an urgent message for him.

  MALE VOICE: Yes, certainly, hold the line,please.


  MR LI: Mr Li speaking.

  MALE VOICE: Oh, Mr Li, I have Mr Ballito's secretary on the line. She would like to speak to him. It's rather urgent.

  MR LI: Just a moment, he's right here.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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