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来源:考试网   2013-11-29【

  Ⅰ Business Dialogue

  Trade Show – Cell Phone

  Shop Owner:

  Whew! The traffic at this trade show is so much heavier than it was last year!


  Yes. There are more phone manufacturers than ever.

  Shop Owner:

  Yeah, I noticed Microsoft has started making cell phones.


  Every booth has a different gimmick to try to catch your attention.

  Shop Owner:

  I noticed that you have Michael Jordan signing autographs in your booth.


  I’ll admit it – it is a gimmick to pull you in. Now that you are here, let me show you some of the great features of our newest products.

  Shop Owner:

  There’s a big demand for cell phones with digital cameras.


  Of course we have several models with miniature cameras. We also have the basic simple phones that most of your customers need.

  Shop Owner:

  I’m kind of pressed for time. Why don’t you just give me a brochure and your business card, and I’ll contact you later?


  Of course. Here you go.

  Shop Owner:

  Ok, and now I just have time to squeeze in a short conversation with Michael Jordan.

  Ⅱ Discussion

  Trade Fair

  Your company is attending a trade fair in a foreign country for the first time.

  You have been asked to help with the preparations for the trip.

  Discuss the situation together, and decide:

  Ÿ What travel and accommodation arrangements you will need to make before the trip?

  Ÿ Which kinds of business customs in the foreign country would be useful to know about, and how could one find about these before the trip.

  Candidate A:

  It is the first time for our company to attend a trade fair in Paris. So we have to do a lot of preparations before we set off. Do you think so?

  Candidate B:

  I’ m of exactly the same idea. Firstly, I think we must arrange an appropriate schedule. For example, we should arrive a day earlier to give us time to adjust and acclimatize.

  Candidate A:

  I agree entirely. As we know, travel fatigue, climatic changes, jet lag, foreign food, etc. will all have great effect on us.

  Candidate B:

  Yes. And then we should book air tickets and reserve accommodations in advance.

  Candidate A:

  Yes. I think we should contact the travel agent because it can offer variety of choices and discount.

  Candidate B:

  That’s just what I was thinking. Then, we must remind every participant that cultural differences can cause a lot of misunderstandings and even break a deal. So they should learn more about French culture.

  Candidate A:

  Can you put things into the perspective?

  Candidate B:

  For instance, shaking hands with everyone present, inviting your customers to lunch rather than dinner, avoiding talking business over the main course, etc. are all basic business customs that our participants should bear in mind.

  Candidate A:

  I go along with you about that. I think we can invite French people to give every participant lecture to help them familiarize with French culture.

  Candidate B:

  Ok, that’s agreed. I’ll present our ideas to the board of directors. Nice talking with you.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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