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来源:考试网   2013-03-27【


An environment accident

J=Journalist   S=Spokesperson

J : So, can you tell me how this happened?

S : Well, it was a very unfortunate combination of events. As you know , weather conditions have been severe in the eastern Atlantic for the last couple of days. The ship's captain reported that the ship was in trouble at 11pm last night and was ordered to make for port as quickly as possible. At 2:30 pm he reported that she was grounded on some rocks just off the Cornish coast.

J: But this isn't the first time this particular ship has been in an accident.is it?

S: She has been involved in two incidents in the past, but these had nothing to do with her sea-worthiness,She is a well-maintained ship in excellent working order with an experience crew on board.

J: And what are you intending to do to limit the damage to the environment now?

S: Unfortunately, while conditions remain so hostile, there is very little we can do, but the moment the storms subside we will be mounting an operation to transfer the oil off the ship using tugs.

J: Do you think that this kind of accident is acceptable?

S: I think it needs to be put into perspective. Accidents at sea are far less common than rail or road accidents. The problem is that they attract much more publicity ...

J: Well, yes, Whichever way you look at it, it's a PR disaster for your company, isn't it ?

S: As I've said, this type of incident does attract a lot of media attention. I just hope that the public can see ...

责编:alisa 评论 纠错


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