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来源:考试网   2013-03-27【


 The future of human resources

1)         I think the problem is that in the last fifteen years,employers haven't shown their employees much loyalty.They've hired and fired pretty much at will,according to whether the market dictated that they need to increase or reduce the workforce.The flipside of this is that employees now,particularly those in the 25 to 35 age group,don't feel much loyalty to their employer either.Developing strategies to hold on to highly skilled and highly qualified people has become the number one priority in human resources - in all big companies,in fact.

2)       There's no doubt that in the next ten years there will be a move away from the nine to five office-based model of work. In fact ,it's already happening with women ,who often find it challenging to balance work and domestic schedules. This could mean more 'teleworking', in other words working at home and being linked to the office by computer;or it could mean shorter working weeks or just more flexible hours, Unless companies offer these possibilities,a lot of people will look for alternative types of work.

3)       Companies are finding that graduates and school leavers aren't well enough prepared for working life. This is going to drive two changes,I think. One is a greater co-operating between companies and universities or colleges to ensure that at entry level to the company, people have the right skills. We'll also see more investment in corporate training - corporate universities and so on -so that employees' skills can be moulded to the needs of the company.

4)       As the birth rate decreased and life expectancy increases, there will be shortages in the job market. Consequently, a lot of ex-employees who thought they had finished their careers at 60 or whatever,will be called back to work. This will suit the companies, but it will suit the employees too, because their pensions will probably be inadequate to fund their longer retirement.

5)       At the moment people in their 50s and 60s are , on the whole , very poorly valued in companies. Firms want to recruit younger employees who are cheaper to employ and more adaptable to a changing business environment. But as the supply of these younger workers dries up, we'll have to consider older staff differently. I hope that in future the wisdom and experience of this group will become more valued.


责编:alisa 评论 纠错


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