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来源:考试网   2013-11-05【


  wage [ weidV ] (n.) weekly pay(每周)工资

  [例] The wage rise last year was 7.5%.

  wage freeze (n.) decision by management not to increases wages工资冻结

  [例] The decision of wage freeze this year annoyed the blue-collar workers.

  walk-out (n) a trike 罢工

  [例] The on-going walk-out has forced the company to the very verge of bankrupt.

  warehouse [ 5wZEhaus ] (n.) building where goods are stored 仓库

  [同义词] depot

  wastage [ 5weistidV ] (n.) loss of workers through resignation or retirement 人员浪费

  [例] It is just natural wastage, that is to say, loss of employees because they retire or move to other jobs and not through redundancy.

  wealth [ welW ] (n.) 1. large amount of money owned by someone财富

  [例] Our experts will provide you a portfolio of financial services and make your wealth doubled.

  2. resources of a country资源

  wealthy [5welWi ] (adj.) rich, prosperous富裕的

  welfare [5welfZE] (n.) system of looking after employees福利

  [同义词] well-being

  [例] Health and safety are aspects of employee welfare.

  white-collar [ 5wait5kClE ] (adj.) relating to office workers白领的

  [例] White-collar workers represent a significant part of the organization.

  white goods (n.) products such as refrigerators and washing machines used in the kitchen大型家用电器

  wholesale [ 5hEulseil ] (n, adj. & adv.) buying goods from a manufacturer and selling on to retailers批发

  [例] Wholesale price is usually much lower than the retail price.

  wholesaler [ 5hEulseilE ] (n.) person/company who buys from manufactures and sells to retailers批发商

  wind up (v.) to close down a company终止,结束

  [例] A number of business firms in Japan are said to be winding up their affairs.

  windfall (n) a sudden, unexpected piece of good fortune or personal gain 意外之财

  [例]He won the lottery to make a sudden windfall and became a rich man at a night.

  wildcat (adj) highly risky高风险的

  [例]This business project is a wildcat scheme.

  withdraw [ wiT5drC: ] (v.)1.take away撤消

  2. to remove (money) from an account提款

  [例] to withdraw $500 from a bank account

  withdrawal [ wiT5drC:El ] (n.) 1.act of taking away撤消

  [例] The employee who feels underpaid is likely to show dissatisfaction by withdrawal from the job.


  [例] withdrawal of assets

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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