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来源:考试网   2013-11-04【


  vacancy [ 5veikEnsi ] (n.) job which needs be filled (职位)空缺

  [例] The vacancy needs a very competent and aptitude candidate.

  vacant [ 5veikEnt ] (adj.) open (of a job)空缺的

  [例] One of the positions is vacant at present.

  vacation [ vE5keiFEn;vei5keiFEn ] (n.) US holiday假期

  valid [ 5vAlid ] (adj.) (legally)useful or accepted有效的

  [例] All prices and promotional offers are valid until 30th September.

  valuation [ vAlju5eiFEn ] (n.) the act of valuing估价

  [例] We carried out a stock valuation at the end of the year.

  value [ 5vAlju:, -ju ]1. (n.) amount something is worth价值

  2. (v.) estimate how much something is worth估价

  value-added (n.) difference between value of inputs and value of output增值

  value for money 价值

  variable [ 5vZEriEbl ] (n.) factor which will change results变量

  [例] There are too many variables to take into account.

  variation [ 7vZEri5eiFEn ] (n.) amount by which something changes变化,变量

  [例] Seasonal variations account for much of the drop in sales.

  variety [ vE5raiEti ] (n.) range of things多样性,种类

  [例] The wholesaler stocks a variety of products.

  vary [ 5vZEri ] (v.) differ, change不同,表现出多样化

  [例] The margin varies depending on raw material costs.

  VAT (value added tax)增值税

  vendor [ 5vendC: ] (n.) person or company who sells卖方

  [例] We have referred the matter to the vendor.

  venture [ 5ventFE ] (n.) risky business project风险,投机

  [例] We need venture capital to start.

  [同义词] adventure, speculation, hazard

  venue [ 5venju: ] (n.) place where an event takes place(会议)地点

  [例] We have chosen an out-of-town venue for the conference.

  viable [ 5vaiEbl ] (adj.) able to make a profit可行的,可盈利的

  [例] Your ideas sound reasonable but are they viable?

  viability [ 7vaiE5biliti ] (n.) ability to make a profit盈利能力

  [例] How about the viability of the project?

  video game an electronic or computerized game played by manipulating images on a display screen电子游戏 [例] Nowadays a lot of teenagers are hooked on the video games, wasting so much invaluable time.

  vision [ 5viVEn ] (n.) long-term company objectives公司的长远目标

  [例] During yesterday meeting, we discussed the long-term vision of the company.

  void (adj) having no legal force or validity; null无效的

  [例] a contract rendered void

  vocation [ vEu5keiFEn ] (n.) type of work that a person has an ability or desire for 职业

  [同义词] career, profession, occupation

  vocational [ `vIVEnEl ] (adj.) relating to work职业的

  [例] We have a strong tradition of providing vocational training for our people.

  voucher [5vaJtFE(r)] (n.) coupon 优惠券

  [例] a gift voucher

  volume business (n) trade in a large scale 大批量交易

  [例] We only deal in volume business ,having no interest in such trading.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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