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来源:考试网   2013-11-04【

  trade secret (n) a secret formula, method, or device that gives one an advantage over competitors商业秘密

  [例] He was sacked for he disclosed trade secret to the rivals.

  balance of trade international trading position of a company贸易差额

  trading profit gross income exceeding total costs销售毛利

  trade fair 交易会

  [例] Guangdong Trade Fair

  trademark [ 5treidmB:k ] (n.) registered name or design of a company which cannot be used by another company商标

  [例] There is always a capital letter of “ R” near the product’s trademark.

  trade union (n.) group of workers organized together in order to bargain with management about terms and conditions of employment工会

  [例] Trade union recognition is widespread in Britain, although there has been a drop of over two million members since 1980.

  traffic (n) illegal or improper commercial activity (非法)交易

  [例]drug traffic on city streets

  2.(v) to buy and sell goods , usually illegal ones 非法买卖

  [例] to traffic in fires

  trainee [ trei5ni: ] (n.) person who is learning受训者

  [例] The trainee will work directly with the person he or she is to replace.

  training [ 5treiniN ] (n.) activities to teach somebody something培训

  [例] A recent report on industrial training in the UK emphasized the great need for more and better training.

  transaction [ trAn5zAkFEn ] (n.) exchange of goods or services for money交易

  [例] He attends to the transaction of important business himself.

  [同义词] deal, bargai, negotiation

  transfer [ trAns5fE:]1. (n.) movement of something to another place转移

  [例] We credited your account by bank transfer.

  2. (v.) move something from one place to another转移

  [例] We transferred our money to The Cayman Islands.

  travel agency = travel bureau a business that attends to the details of transportation, itinerary, and accommodations for travelers旅行社

  [例] Many travel agencies suffered a huge loss from SRAS.

  treasurer [ 5treVErE ] (n.) person who looks after finance and funds of a club or society [US — … of a company]财务总管

  treasury [ 5treVEri ] (n.) government department which deals with a country’s finance财政部

  treat [ tri:t ] (v.) to provide with food, entertainment, or gifts at one's own expense款待,请客

  [例] It is my turn to treat you today.

  trend [ trend ] (n.) general development in a market/business趋势

  [例] There is a downward trend in inflation.

  [同义词] tendency, inclination, direction

  in triplicate (n) consisting of the original document and two identical copies一式三

  [例] Please type these documents in triplicate

  trouble shooting (n.) activity of solving problems问题解答

  TT ( telegraphic transfer ) 电汇

  [例] We usually accept TT instead of L/C as payment term with our regular customers .

  turnover [ 5tE:n7EuvE ] (n.) 1. total amount of sales营业额

  [例] Our turnover in 1991 was 25% up on 1990.

  2. speed at which staff or stock change周转,流通量

  [例] Because of the poor management, there is a large turnover in this company.

  staff turnover speed at which staff changes人员流动率

  stock turnover speed at which stock changes库存(商品)周转率

  tycoon (n) a wealthy and powerful businessperson or industrialist; a magnate 商业巨头

  [例] an oil tycoon

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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