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来源:考试网   2013-11-01【

  tax illegally (非法的)逃税

  [例] The act of tax avoidance is illegal.

  tax evasion (n)illegal action that is taken to reduce the amount of tax paid 偷税

  [例] Now, many starts are charged with tax evasion.

  tax-deductible (adj.) part of income/expenses no tax need be paid on可抵扣税的

  tax loophole (n.) legal means of not paying tax(合法的)避税

  team building (n.) training activities to improve relationships between people who work together团队建设

  telesales (n.) selling over the phone 电话销售

  [例]They made a successful transaction by telesales.

  temp (n) a temporary worker, as in an office 临时工

  [例]During the urgent period of time when SARS was quite serious in Beijing, hospitals needed a lot of temps to attend patients.

  temporary [ 5tempErEri ] (adj.) only for a short or limited time暂时的,临时的

  [例] Waitress is only my temporary job in the town.

  [同义词] impermanent, transient, transitory

  temporary post job for a limited time临时职位

  tenant [ 5tenEnt ] (n.) one that pays rent to use or occupy land, a building, or other property owned by another承租人

  [同义词] leaseholder, renter, lessee

  tender [ 5tendE ]1. (n.) offer for a contract at a certain price投标

  [例] The purchaser invited tenders from 3 suppliers.

  2. (v.) offer a price and conditions for a contract投标

  territory [ 5teritEri ] (n.) sales or business area区域

  [例] Next year’s target is to maximize the territory of the potential market in China.

  tertiary industry = service industry 第三产业

  [例] Tertiary industry is the pillar industry for many industrialized nations.

  throughput [ 5Wru:put ] (n.) total volume of production through a plant 生产总容量,生产能力

  [例] How about the throughput of your firm this year?

  thin (adj) having little selling and buying 交易清淡的

  [例]a thin market

  tie [ tai ] (n.)relationship, connection (生意)关系

  [例] to develop close ties with these business

  time sheet=timecard a sheet that records the number of hours worked by employees during a pay period考勤卡

  TQC(=Total Quality Control) (n.) plan to obtain low unit costs with the best possible quality 全面质量管理

  tough [ tQf ] (adj.) demanding or troubling; difficult 艰难的

  [例] In the toughest time of our business, we should unite like one.

  track record (n.) experience and results of a company or person over a number of years(多年的)成就或业绩的记录

  [例] His track record speaks for itself.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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