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来源:考试网   2013-11-01【

  subsidise (v.) help or support financially资助

  [例] The Government subsidises new investment in depressed areas.

  subsidy [ 5sQbsidi ] (n.) money given to support unprofitable enterprises补助金

  [同义词] allowance

  summarise [`sQmEraIz] (v.) explain in short总结

  [例] Please draw attention to summaries the project’s key idea due to the time limits.

  [同义词] sum up, epitomize

  superior [ sju:5piEriE ] (n.) person above another in the company hierarchy上级

  [同义词] chief, manager, director

  supervise [ 5sju:pEvaiz ] (v.) to have the charge and direction of; superintend督导,管理

  [例] The teacher supervised our drawing class.

  [同义词] direct, superintend, administer

  supervisor [ 5sju:pEvaiz ] (n.) person who is in charge of others主管

  [例] The supervisor will not be represented by the same union as the people supervised.

  supervisory [ 7sju:pE5vaizEri ] (adj.) which involves being in charge of others管理的

  [例] supervisory post

  supply [ sE5plai ]1. (n.) provision供给

  [例] We are subject to the laws of supply and demand.

  2. (v.) provide something供给

  supplier [ sE5plaiE ] (n.) person/company which supplies goods or services供应商

  [同义词] stockist

  survey [ sE:5vei ] (n.) investigation调查

  [例] Recent surveys have shown that employers are reluctant to improve health and safety conditions.

  sustainable [sE`steInEbl] (adj.) be available in the future 可持续的

  [例] sustainable development

  suspension (n) a debarment, as from office or privilege停职

  [例] He will be on suspension because of his dereliction of duty

  SWOT analysis (n.) analyzing a company or project by its Strengths , Weaknesses ,Opportunities and Treats SWOT分析

  [例] The process of utilizing the SWOT approach requires an internal survey of strengths and weaknesses of the program and an external survey of threats and opportunities.

  synergy [ 5sinEdVi ] (n.) producing better results by working together rather than separately协同(增效)

  synthetic [ sin5Wetic ] (adj.) man-made 人造的

  [例] These products are made of synthetic material.

  [同义词] artificial

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