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来源:考试网   2013-10-30【

  stockbroker (n.) person who buys and sells shares for clients股票经纪人

  [同义词] market maker

  stock controller person who controls inventories库存管理员

  strategic [ strE5ti:dVik ] (adj.) referring to a plan of action战略的

  [例] We discussed the strategic plans in this project.

  strategy [ 5strAtidVi ] (n.) future action to achieve objectives战略,策略

  [例] We will learn strategy management this semester.

  [同义词] tactics

  streamline [ 5stri:mlain ] (v.) to improve 精简、改善使提高效率

  [例] We must streamline our production procedures.

  strength [ streNW ] (n.) an attribute or a quality of particular worth or utility; an asset 长处

  [例] Everyone has his or her strengths and weakness.

  stress [ stres ] (n.) worry caused by difficulties紧张

  [例] A second drawback of conflict is the emotional stress for the participants.

  strike [ straik ] (n.) work stoppage organized by workers or trade union罢工

  [例] Everyone in that section is on strike.

  strong room (n) a strongly built fireproof room designed for the safekeeping of money or valuables 保险库

  [例] He stores all his valuables in the strong room

  subcontract [ sQb5kCntrAkt ] (v.) to arrange with another company to do some work, to send production work to another company转包合同

  [例] He subcontracted the installation of the shower to a plumber.

  subcontractor [9sQbkEn`trAktE(r)] (n.) company which does work for main contractor 转包商

  subordinate [ sE5bC:dinit ]1. (n.) person below another in the company hierarchy下属

  [例] To get on well with your subordinate is not a very easy thing.

  [同义词] inferior, junior, subaltern

  2. (adj.) lower下属的

  [例] subordinate position

  [同义词] inferior, lesser, lower

  subscribe [ sEb5skraib ] (v.) 1. pay in advance for a number of issues of a publication订阅 2.认购(股票) apply for shares

  [例] subscribe to a new share issue

  subscriber [ sQbs5kraibE ] (n.) person who pays for a publication in advance订户

  subscription [ sQb5skripFEn ] (n.) 1. money paid in advance for a new publication订金

  2. the act of subscribing to a new share issue认购(新股)

  subsidiary [ sEb5sidjEri ] (n.) company which is at least 51% owned by a parent company子公司

  [例] The multi-international company’s profits are mostly from its overseas subsidiaries.

  [同义词] associate company

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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