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来源:考试网   2013-10-30【

  spot cash (n) payment for goods that are delivered immediately 货到付款

  [例] Our customer requested spot cash delivery for the pilot order.

  spread [ spred ] (n.) difference between selling and buying prices of shares(证券)买卖报价的差额

  spreadsheet (n.) the display, with multiple columns and rows, that such a program allows to be printed.空白表格(用于会计等)

  [例] I have all these spreadsheet ready for our meeting tomorrow afternoon.

  staff [ stB:f ] (n.) people employed by a company员工

  [例] All staff are considered to be punctual and hard-working.

  [同义词] employee, manpower, personnel

  stag [ stA^ ]1. (n.) person who buys shares and then sells them immediately证券投机商

  [同义词] speculator

  2. (v.) to buy a new issue of shares and then sell immediately赌买某公司的股票而立刻出卖以赚钱

  [例] He lives on staging in new issues.

  stagnant [ 5stA^nEnt ] (adj.) not moving, inactive停滞的

  [例] The market is stagnant.

  [同义词] static, motionless

  stagnate [ 5stA^neit ] (v.) remain in the same position, not improve or develop停滞

  stagnation [ stA^5neiFEn ] (n.) the state of remaining in the same position 停滞状态

  stake [ steik ] (n.) a share or an interest in an enterprise, especially a financial share 股份

  [例] I have a stake in that company.

  stand [ stAnd ] (n.) table for display in an exhibition展台

  [例] to set up a stand at a business exhibition in a foreign city

  standardize [5stAndEdaIz] (v.) to cause to conform to a standard 标准化

  [例] Our products are all standardized ones.

  start-up capital the capital used to start up a business启动资金

  [例] The start-up capital is quite little, so this project is not so risky.

  statistics [ stE5tistiks ] (n.) numerical data 统计数据

  [例] The statistics show that margin profit of our company is declining .

  statute [ 5stAtju:t ] (n.) law passed by Parliament法令, 条例

  [例] The law is decreed by statute.

  [同义词] decree, edict

  statutory [ 5stAtjut(E)ri ] (adj.) referring to a law passed by Parliament法定的

  [例] Everyone has his or her statutory rights.

  stock [ stCk ] (n.) 1. quantity of goods for sale;inventories库存

  [例] out of stock

  2. fixed interest securities (US bonds)证券

  [例] He made fortune from investing in the stock market.

  stock exchange market in which securities are traded证券交易所

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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