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来源:考试网   2013-10-30【

  slot machine (n) a vending or gambling machine operated by the insertion of coins into a slot 自动贩卖机(机)

  [例] He make a big fortune using slot machines selling drinks in the subway stations.

  slump [ slQmp ] (n.) rapid decrease暴跌

  [例] a slump in sales

  [同义词] depression, recession

  soft-sell [`sCft-Fel,`sR:-] (n.) selling by argument and encouragement rather than strong pressure to buy软推销,劝买、说服式推销

  sole [ sEul ] (adj.) only唯一的

  [例] sole distributor

  solicitor [ sE5lisitE ] (n.) lawyer 律师

  [例] As for the outstanding payment, we have no other choice but turn to our solicitors.

  solvent [ 5sClvEnt ] (adj.) having enough money to pay debts有还债能力的

  [例] The young man is solvent to pay the money.

  solvency [ 5sClvEnsi ] (n.) the state of having enough money to pay debts偿付能力

  sound [ saund ] (adj.) stable, strong财力强大的,可靠的

  [例] The company is financially sound.

  sourcing (n.) obtaining goods from suppliers采购

  [例] Dual sourcing is more secure than single sourcing.

  spare part (n.) small piece of machinery used to repair or maintain a machine备件

  [例] Please buy the spare parts from that hardware store.

  specialize in to concentrate on a particular activity or product专门经营

  [例] Some places don’t have firms who specialize in this sort of thing.

  specification [ 7spesifi5keiFEn ] (n.) key information about a product or service详述, 规格

  [例] We can supply steel plates to your specifications.

  speculate (v) to engage in the buying or selling of a commodity with an element of risk on the chance of profit投机(一般指短期性的投机)

  [例] He is speculating in short-term investment .

  spin-off (n.) by-product 副产品

  [例] This material is a spin-off from space industry.

  spokesman [ 5spEuksmEn ] (n.) also spokesperson, spokeswoman person who speaks for others发言人

  [例] I act as the main spokesman for the department and represent personnel issues in all our senior management discussions.

  sponsor [ 5spCnsE ] (n.) person or company which pays for an event (sports, culture etc.)赞助商

  [例] Sponsor of the meeting will declare the final winner of this competition.

  [同义词] patron

  sponsorship [`spCnsEFIp] (n.) act of sponsoring赞助

  [例] That company took the sponsorship of the Shanghai Education Exhibition.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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