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来源:考试网   2013-10-29【

  securities [ si5kjuEritiz ] (n. pl) investments in stocks and shares有价证券

  [例] Yesterday I bought securities in stock exchange building.

  segment [ 5se^mEnt ] (v.) divide a market into different parts分割市场

  [例] segment markets into several parts

  select [ si5lekt ] (v.) choose挑选

  [例] The HR department should select those most suitable and competent candidates.

  selection [ si5lekFEn ] (n.) act of choosing挑选

  selection board (n.) group of people that chooses a candidate for a job选拔委员会

  self-made (adj) having achieved success or recognition by one's own efforts白手起家的

  [例] a self-made millionaire

  seller’s market (n) a market condition characterized by high prices and a supply of commodities falling short of demand 卖方市场

  [例] It is now a seller’s market and the price is bit too high.

  seminar [ 5seminB: ] (n.) a meeting for an exchange of ideas; a conference讨论会

  [例] a marketing seminar

  semi-skilled (adj.) with some training半熟练的

  [例] semi-skilled workers.

  sensible [ 5sensEbl ] (adj.) acting with or exhibiting good sense明智的

  [例] It seems sensible to look at developing resort hotels.

  service [ 5sE:vis ] (n.) 1. work of dealing with customers服务

  [例] The service is excellent — we never have to wait.

  2. maintaining a machine in good working order保养

  [例] The photocopier is due for a service.

  settle [ 5setl ] (v.) pay偿还

  [例] settle their debts

  settlement [ 5setlmEnt ] (n.) as payment for sth 清偿

  [例] I enclose a check in settlement of your account.

  sexual harassment unwanted and offensive sexual advances or sexually derogatory or discriminatory remarks, as those made by an employer to an employee性骚扰

  [例] Nowadays, sexual harassment is quite common in offices.

  share [ FZE ] (n.) 1. market share市场份额

  [同义词] portion, part, division

  2. small part of a company’s capital 股份

  shareholder [ 5FZEhEuldE ] (n.) person who owns shares in a company股东

  shelf-life (n.) length of time a product can be displayed for sale货架期, 保存限期

  [例] The shelf-life of this brand is one fortnight.

  shift [ Fift ] (n.) part of the working day in a factory班制

  [例] You need to decide some time before next Monday if you want to work the early shift or the late shift.

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