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来源:考试网   2013-10-28【

  or organize anew改组

  [例] reshuffle the department

  resign [ ri5zain ] (v.) give up one’s job辞去职务

  [同义词] abdicate, leave

  resignation [ 7rezi^5neiFEn ] (n.) the act of giving up one’s job辞职

  [例] To his surprise, he got a resignation letter from one of his senior managers today.

  resistance [ ri5zistEns ] (n.) negative feelings towards a product or service抵制

  [例] We encountered a lot of resistance in the market.

  resort hotel 旅游胜地的旅馆

  respond [ ris5pCnd ] (v.) reply反应

  [例] How do the up market users respond to the new type?

  response [ ris5pCns ] (n.) answer to a question, reaction to a product or service反应

  results (n.) profit or loss at the end of an accounting period一个会计期间的损益状况

  [例] We announced some good results for last year.

  retail [ 5ri:teil ]1.(n.) sale of goods to the end customer零售

  2. (v.) sell goods direct to customers零售

  [例] Dealers are retailing the goods at &17.

  retailer [ ri:5teilE ]person who sells goods direct零售商

  retained earnings (n.) undistributed profits未分配利润

  [例] The retained earnings are profits that cannot be distributed.

  retire [ ri5taiE ] (v.) stop working because of old age or illness退休

  [例] She has to retire this year for she is 50.

  retirement [ ri5taiEmEnt ] (n.) time when one stops working because of old age or illness退休

  [例] As retirement approaches, there is often a deceleration period.

  return [ ri5tE:n ] (n.) profit from an investment(投资)回报

  [例] What sort of return can we expect?

  ROI (return on investment)投资回报

  revaluate [ 5ri:5vAljueit ] (v) to increase the exchange value of (a nation's currency) 使(货币)升值

  [例] The government decide to revaluate her currency.

  [同义词] upvalue


  revamp [ 5ri:5vAmp ] (n.) a complete reorganization or revision 重组

  [例] The new CEO gave his company a major revamp.

  revenue [ 5revinju: ] (n.) income received收入

  [例] The financial department has announced the net revenue of last year in the meeting of broad of directors.

  review [ ri5vju: ]1. (v.) look, check评论

  [例] an annual review

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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