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来源:考试网   2013-10-28【

  relocation [ 5ri:lEu5keiFEn ] (n.) process of moving a person or a company to another place再分配,重新安置

  [例] The relocation of industry caused the dissatisfaction of workers.

  remit (v) 1. to send money by post 汇寄

  [例] She remits home money every month.

  2.to cancel a debt, tax or payment 免除

  [例] School remitted all his tuition and fees for his outstanding grades.

  remuneration [ ri7mju:nE5reiFEn ] (n.) pay报酬

  [例] They worked in a poor condition and earned meager remuneration.

  remunerative[ ri5mju:nErEtiv ](adj) 1.profitable 有利可图的

  [例] a remunerative business

  2.well-paid 报酬高的

  [例]a remunerative job

  render (v) to submit for payment发出,开出

  [例] render an account

  rent [ rent ]1. (n.) money paid to use an office/property for a period of time租金

  [例] The rent income could be levied tax.

  2. (v.) pay money for the use of offices etc.付租金

  Rep (n.) abbreviation for representative”代表”的缩写

  [例] The first Rep office has been opened in mainland China.

  report to (v.) be under (someone)在(某人)直接管理下

  [例] Then there are four managers who report to me.

  reposition [ 7ri:pE5ziFEn ] (v.) to change the consumers’ perception of a product or a service使改变主张、态度等

  [例] We must reposition what the consumers need.

  represent [ 7ri:pri5zent ] (v.) work on behalf of代表

  [例] He represented Rossomon at the conference.

  [同义词] stand for, embody, subsitute for

  representative [ 7repri5zentEtiv ] (n.) salesperson销售代表

  reputable [ 5repjutEbl ] (adj.) well thought of by others, with a good reputation 著名的

  [例] KPMG is a highly reputable accounting company.

  reputation [ 7repju(:)5teiFEn ] (n.) opinion held by others声誉

  [例] High pay rates succeed in getting an organization the reputation of being a good employer.

  [同义词] fame, celebrity

  requirement [ ri5kwaiEmEnt ] (n.) what is needed需要的东西

  [例] Then we must consider the organisation’s requirements.

  reserves (n. pl) amount of money set aside from profits for a specific purpose储备金

  [例] They have reserves of pensions.

  reshuffle [ 5ri:5FQfl ] (v.)to arrange

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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