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来源:考试网   2013-10-27【

  process of taking on new people招收(新成员)

  [例] Ads remain a good source of management recruitment.

  red (n.) in the red showing a loss负债

  [例] My bank account is always in the red.

  redeem [ ri5di:m ](v) 1.to convert into cash 兑现

  [例] redeem stocks

  2.to pay off 还清

  [例] redeem the mortgage

  reduction [ ri5dQkFEn ] (n.) the state of being smaller, lowering 缩减

  [例] The product reduction implies the company’s producing focus has change to a new area.

  redundant [ ri5dQndEnt ] (adj.) having lost one’s job 失业

  redundancy [rI5dQndEnsI] (n.) state of having lost one’s job失业

  [例] The redundancy of the father means the family has lost its income resource.

  reference [ 5refrEns ] (n.) written report on someone’s personality and/or ability, often written by a previous employer推荐(信)

  [例] If you want to open an offshore account in HK, a reference letter from your present bank is necessary.

  [同义词] recommendation

  refund [ ri:5fQnd ]1. (n.) money paid back退款

  2. (v.) pay back money退款

  [例] The money will be refunded if the goods are faulty.

  refurbish [ ri:5fE:biF ] (v.) to make clean, bright, or fresh again; renovate 刷新,创新

  [例] refurbish our store for better profile

  region [ 5ri:dVEn ] (n.) an area of interest or activity; a sphere区域

  [例] She is the chief representative of the east region.

  regular customer (n) a person who goes to the same place or uses the same service frequently 老顾客

  [例] She is one of our regular customers and receives many priorities.

  reimburse [ 7ri:im5bE:s ] (v.) to pay back偿还

  [例] We will reimburse you (for) the additional premium.

  [同义词] repay, refund

  reimbursement (n.) money paid back付还, 补偿

  [例] In reimbursement (of these expenses), please draw on us.

  reinsure (v) to insure again, especially by transferring in whole or in part a risk or contingent liability already covered under an existing contract 分保(以降低风险)

  [例] This is a highly risky project and should be reinsured to reduce investment risk.

  relief [ ri5li:f ] (n.)tax relief减免(税)

  [例] We are hoping to get tax relief on the new investment.

  relocate [ 5ri:lEu5keit ] (v.) to move a person or a company to another place重新安置

  [例] This company will be relocated in Pudong New Area.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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