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来源:考试网   2013-10-27【

  rationalization [ 7rAFEnElai5zeiFEn ] (n.) the activity making something more efficient合理化

  raw [ rC: ] (adj.) in its original, unprocessed state未加工的

  raw materials substances used as a base for manufacturing 原料

  [例] The cost of the raw materials is surprisingly high.

  reallocate [ri:5AlEkeIt] (v.) allocate again 再分配

  [例] reallocate the responsibility

  rebate (n) a deduction from an amount to be paid or a return of part of an amount given in payment 退款

  [例] He is qualified for a tax rebate according to the new policy.

  receipt [ ri5si:t ] (n.) piece of paper showing that money has been paid or something received收条

  [例] a receipt for items purchased

  accounts receivable money owed to the company应收帐款

  [例] The account receivable amounts to 1 million dollars.

  receiver [ ri5si:vE ] (n.) government official appointed to run a company in serious financial difficulty破产案产业管理人; 涉讼财产管理人

  [例] The receiver was asked to deal with fund shortage of that company.

  receivership [rI5si:vEFIp] (n.) the hands of a receiver破产在管

  [例] The company was put into receivership.

  receptionist [rI5sepFEnIst] (n.) an office worker employed chiefly to receive visitors and answer the telephone接待员

  [例] She is the head receptionist of the hotel.

  recession [ ri5seFEn ] (n.) period of low economic activity不景气,衰退期

  [例] There is usually an obvious increase in unemployment when business is in recession.

  [同义词] depressed market

  recognize [ 5rekE^naiz ] (v.) accept认为

  [例] Unions are recognized by the management and negotiate on behalf of the workforce.

  recognition [ 7rekE^5niFEn ] (n.) acceptance, acknowledgement承认

  [例] a recognition of their civil rights

  recoup [ ri5ku:p ] (v.) get back money获得补偿

  [例] We recouped our investment in two years.

  recover [ ri5kQvE ] (v.) get better after a downturn复原

  [例] The stock market has not recovered since the big fall.

  recovery [ ri5kQvEri ] (n.) improvement, getting back to the previous (better) position复原

  recruit (v.) take on a new person招收(新成员)

  [例] Our trade union has recruited a number of new members this year.

  [同义词] enlist

  recruitment [ rI`krU:tmEnt ] (n.)

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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