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来源:考试网   2013-10-27【

  racket (n) a dishonest business or practice, especially one that obtains money through fraud or extortion 诈骗钱财

  [例] They are making a good living by a smuggling and racket.

  rally (n) a notable rise in stock market prices and trading volume after a decline 价格骤然回升

  [例] a rally in share

  rate of return (n) the amount of profit ,dividend or interest received from an investment, expressed as a percentage of the original investment 收益率

  [例] Your investment will absolutely receive a poor rate of return.

  rating (n)the popularity of a television or radio program as estimated by a poll of segments of the audience收视(听)率

  [例] This radio programme has a very high rating among teenagers.

  R&D research and development研发

  [例] Dept. of R&D

  raise [ reiz ] (n.) increase in salary涨薪水

  [例] She asked for a raise.

  (v.) 1. increase增加

  [例] We raised the dividend by 5%.


  [例] We are trying to raise $50,000 on the money market.

  3. bring up in discussion提出

  [例] We raised the question of prices at the board meeting.

  random check to check by random 随机抽查

  range [ reindV ] (n.) series of products which the customer can choose from(产品)系列

  [例] This type of shoes covers a wide range of color and size.

  rank [ rANk ]1.(n.) position in a company of list职位

  [例] He has a high rank in the company.

  2. (v.) classify in order of importance排名

  [例] The company is ranked 6th in the world.

  rapport [ rA5pC:t ] (n.) close or easy relationship友善

  [例] At the first stage of an interview, the interviewer needs to make the candidate feel at his/her ease, develop rapport and set the scene.

  [同义词] harmony

  rate [ reit ] (n.) money charged for a certain time or at a certain percentage比率

  [例] If you will bring over 50,000 USD deposit, then we can provide you a better interest rate.

  fixed rate rate which cannot be changed

  going rate usual rate of payment

  rating [ 5reitiN ] (n.) result of measuring something评级

  [例] Ratings can then be used to compare jobs to one another.

  ratio [ 5reiFiEu ] (n.) proportion of something compared to another thing比率

  [例] Our liquidity ratio is not healthy.

  [同义词] proportion, percentage

  rationalize [ 5rAFEnElaiz ] (v.) make more efficient, streamline合理化

  [例] We should rationalize production step by step.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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