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来源:考试网   2013-10-25【

  2. document issued by a company offering shares for sale招股说明书

  prototype [ 5prEutEtaip ] (n.) first model of a new product原型

  [例] The prototype of the car will be exhibited in a grand show this spring.

  [同义词] original, archetype

  provisionally (adj.) temporarily 临时地

  [例] I have provisionally booked Room W72 for Wednesday morning.

  public sector nationalized industries国有企业

  publication [ 7pQbli5keiFEn ] (n.) thing which has been published, such as a book, magazine出版,出版物

  [例] The publication of this magazine proves the victory of the left-wing party.

  publicity [ pQb5lisiti ] (n.) the process of attracting the attention of the general public to products or services宣传推广

  [例] We need generous samples for the sake of publicity.

  publics [ 5pQbliks ] (n.) group of people categorized for PR purposes公众

  [例] We believe this material will appeal to the general publics.

  punctual [ 5pQNktjuEl ] (adj.) on time准时的

  [例] Be punctual or you will be embarrassed before the senior managers

  purchase [ 5pE:tFEs ]1. (n.) something which has been bought购买

  [例] It will be cheaper to make a quantity purchase.

  2. (v.) buy购买

  purchaser [ 5pE:tFEsE ] (n.) person who buys for a company采购员


  qualify [ 5kwClifai ] (v.) have the right education and background具有资格

  [例] Do you qualify for the vote?

  qualified [ 5kwClifaid ] (adj.) with the right education and experience有资格的

  [例] If we want to recruit suitably qualified staff, we mustn’t have a further fall in pay.

  qualification [ 7kwClifi5keiFEn ] (n.) required education, ability or experience资格

  [例] He plans to go back to college to get a management qualification.

  [同义词] suitability, fitness, eligibility

  quality [ 5kwClifai ] (n.) the value/worth of a product/service 质量

  [例] The efficiency just shows the inter-relationship between quality and quantity.

  quality assurance (n.) all activities and functions concerned with achieving a high level of quality质量保证

  quality control (QC)checking that the quality is high enough质量管理

  [例] As a quality manager, you should guarantee the quality control.

  quarterly [ 5kwC:tEli ] (adj/adv.) happening four times a year, every 3 months每季的

  [例] Our quarterly results were excellent

  questionnaire [ 7kwestiE5nZE, -tFE- ] (n.) form consisting of a number of questions调查表

  [例] The main purpose of this questionnaire is to collect all the staff’s attitude toward the flextime system.

  quote [ kwEut ]1. (v.)to state (a price) for securities, goods, or services.报价

  [例] Could you quote for the contract in dollars?

  quotation [ kwEu5teiFEn ] (n.) 1.estimate of cost 报价单2.listing of the price of on the Stock Exchange股票牌价

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