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来源:考试网   2013-10-25【

  profit [ 5prCfit ] (n.) money gained from doing business利润

  [例] We gain profit from the experience.

  operating profit (n.) profits from normal trading of a company营业利润

  profit and loss account (n.) accounts showing income and expenditure损益帐户

  [例] Income statement belongs to profit and loss account because it can show us income and expenditure.

  press [ pres ] (n.) newspapers and magazines新闻媒介

  [例] Using press to advertise is an effective method to enlarge the influence of the brand.

  market price price which people are willing to pay 市场价

  retail price price paid by final customer零售价

  [例] Actually the retail price is reasonably set for our end users.

  profit [ 5prCfit ] (n.) money gained from doing business利润

  [例] In this report, the proposed plan to build a supermarket in that densely populated area can bring immeasurable profits.

  operating profit profits from normal trading of a company营业利润

  profitability [ 7prCfitE5biliti ] (n.) ability to make a profit盈利能力

  profitable (adj.) which makes a profit有利可图的

  [例] I will not do that business unless it is profitable.

  [同义词] lucrative, paying, remunerative

  project [ 5prCdVekt ] (n.) plan方案

  [例] The project sounds fascinating but infeasible.

  projected (adj.) planned/forecast计划/预测的

  promote [ prE5mEut ] (v.) 1. give someone a better job晋升

  [例] Up to now we’ve promoted the analyst/programmers to junior project leaders.

  2. advertise 促销

  promotion [ prE5mEuFEn ] (n.) 1. act of giving someone a better job晋升

  [例] He got a promotion for the high sales volume this month.

  2. all means of communicating a message about a product or service促销

  [例] The failure of the new product promotion lies in the business secrets release by someone.

  proprietor [ prE5praiEtE ] (n.) one who owns or owns and manages a business or other such establishment.所有者,经营者

  [例] The proprietor’s son will take over when Mr. Richards retires in two years.

  [同义词] owner, possessor, holder

  prospective [ prEs5pektiv ] (adj.) likely to become or be 潜在的

  [例] our prospective customers

  [同义词] future, coming, approaching

  prospectus [ prEs5pektEs ] (n.) 1. sales document which tries to convince the customer, usually using a serious approach广告宣传资料

  [例] Would you please revise the draft of this important prospectus in a more convincing tone?

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