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来源:考试网   2013-10-24【

  postcode (US: zip code) a service mark used for a system designed to expedite the sorting and delivery of mail by assigning a series of numbers to each delivery area in the country 邮编

  [例] Please put your postcode on the envelop.

  position [ pE5ziFEn ] (n.) place or way a product is perceived in a market(市场)定位

  [例] The brand has created a up market position and been popular in the circle of rich family.

  positioning [ pE5ziFEniN ] (n.) creating an image for a product in a particular sector of a market(市场)定位

  [例] How to set up an appropriate positioning for this new kind of product is crucial to the sales volume of the company.

  postpone [ pEust5pEun ] (v.) to delay until a future time; put off推迟

  [例] postpone a meeting

  potential [pE5tenF(E)l]1. (n.) person’s possibilities for future development潜力

  [例] The organization has an obligation to give every employee an opportunity to grow and to realize his or her full potential.

  2. (adj.) possible in future 有潜力的

  [例] our potential customers


  PR (public relations) 公关dept.of PR

  [例] As the company’s PR manager, she has to pay special attention to the company’s image.

  preference share (n) shares which receive their dividends before all other shares and which are repaid first if the company is liquidated 优先股

  [例] She bought preference shares that carry no voting rights.

  predatory pricing (n) the pricing of goods and services at a very low level to force out competitors 掠夺性定价

  [例] The firm is using predatory pricing to beat other rivals.

  proceeds (n) the money from selling something收益

  [例] The proceeds in the last month increased sharply.

  prompt day (n) the day on which goods bought at a commodity exchange are due for payment清帐日

  [例] The goods will be delivered before the prompt day.

  proprietary [ prE5praiEtEri ] (adj) of a product which is made and owned by a particular company 独家制造的

  [例] proprietary brands

  proviso [ prE5vaizEu ] (n) a clause in a document making a qualification, condition, or restriction 附加条文

  [例] We will sign the agreement with a proviso that we are the exclusive agent in China.

  purchasing power (n) 1.the ability to purchase, generally measured by income 个人和组织的购买力

  [例] With the rapid development of China’s economy, purchasing power of her people has been greatly increased.

  2.the value of a particular monetary unit in terms of the goods or services that can be purchased with it 货币的购买力

  [例] a decrease in the purchasing power of CNY

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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