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来源:考试网   2013-10-24【

  photocopier [5fEJtEJkRpIE(r)] (n.)Xerox machine 复印机

  pick [ pik ] (v.) to withdraw from stock the components needed for production or withdraw the finished products for shipment to the customer提取,收回

  [例] He picked the finished products for shipment the day before yesterday.

  picking list (n.) form used to pick manufacturing or shipping orders 清单

  [例] If you have checked the picking list carefully, you won’t make a mistake.

  pilot [ 5pailEt ] (n.) test which will be extended if successful实验性的

  [例] a pilot project

  pipeline [ 5paip7lain ] (n.) channel of flow商品供应线

  [例] Are there any new product in the pipeline?

  PIN (personal identification number ) 个人密码

  pirate [ 5paiErit ] (v ) to make use of or reproduce (another's work) without authorization 盗版

  [例] Pirated VCDs and DVDs have caused huge loss of movie studios.

  pitch [ pitF ] (v.) to attempt to promote or sell, often in a high-pressure manner 销售

  [例] Instead of depending on ads pitched to China’s 56 m people with pcs and Internet access, they have focused on selling online content to the 200 m Chinese with cell phones.

  [同义词] sell

  plant [ plB:nt ] (n.) factory工厂

  [例] The fire plant being built is a joint investment project.

  plant capacity (n.) amount which can be produced by a factory工厂设备(生产)能力

  plc public limited company 股票上市公司

  plough back (v.) to reinvest再投资

  [例] All our profits have been ploughed back into the business.

  plug (v) to publicize (a product, for example) favorably, as by mentioning on a broadcast公开推荐

  [例] He plugged that new shampoo on the radio giving it a good promotion.

  point of sale (n.) = POS place where a product is sold销售地点

  policy [ 5pClisi ] (n.) way of doing something方针

  [例] What is the company policy on discounts?

  poll [ pEJl ] (n) a survey of the public or of a sample of public opinion to acquire information 民意调查

  [例] We need to conduct a poll to find out customers’ preference.

  portfolio [ pC:t5fEuljEu ] (n.) range, collection of investment投资组合

  [例] a portfolio of shares

  portfolio management buying/selling a range of shares for a client投资组合管理

  [例] We can introduce portfolio management to you if you want to buy shares of that company.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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