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来源:考试网   2013-10-23【

  p.a. (n.) (=per annum) per year每年

  [例] The starting salary will be £24,000 p.a.

  PA (n.)1. personal assistant 私人助理

  2.personal account 个人账户

  3.power of attorney 授权书;委托书

  package [ 5pAkidV ] (adj.) of a whole set整批的

  [例] a package deal

  [同义词] bundle, pack

  packaging [ 5pAkidViN ] (n.) material used to wrap goods for display 包装材料

  [例] It is necessary to improve the packaging.

  packing [ 5pAkiN ] (v.)包装 (n.) the way products are packaged包装(法)

  [例] The packing of the candy is so trendy!

  papers(n) an official document, especially one establishing the identity of the bearer 证件

  [例] Show me your papers!

  passbook (n) a book held by a depositor in which his or her deposits and withdrawals are recorded by the bank [同义词]bankbook

  parent company (n.) company which owns more than 50% of the shares of another company母公司

  [例] The parent company of the complex organization is located in the US.

  part-time (adj.) working for only part of the working day兼职的

  [例] Part-time employees now have to be nationally insured on exactly the same basis as full-time employees.

  participate [ pB:5tisipeit ] (v.) take part in参与

  [例] The workshop will be run again next month, so you’ll have an opportunity to participate.

  participation [ pB:7tisi5peiFEn ] (n.)activity of taking part in 参与

  partnership [ 5pB:tnEFip ](n.) business where two or more people share risks and profits合伙经营

  [例] They are partnership so that they can share the risks and the profits.

  patent [ 5peitEnt, 5pAtEnt ] (n.) official registration of a new invention专利

  [例] This patent right is valid for 5 years.

  pay-day (n) the day on which employees' salaries or wages are paid发薪日

  [例] Oh, I have to wait another week till the pay-day----I can not make ends meet!

  pay package (n.) all the elements in pay, i.e. basic pay, overtime, bonus, non-financial benefits综合工资

  [例] Pay package includes all the elements in pay.

  pay packet (n.) wage, often in cash(附工资及工资单的)工资袋,工资

  [例] I’d like to get pay packet every week.

  take-home pay salary after deductions including tax净收入

  payroll [ 5peirEul ] 1.(n.) all employees employed by a company职工名册

  2. (n.) the wage bill of a company薪金名册

  [例] His name didn’t appear in the payroll.

责编:chenjuan670 评论 纠错


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