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来源:考试网   2013-10-23【

  objective [ Eb5dVektiv ] (n.) target, aim目标

  [例] The daily 10 customers is a burdensome objective for the salesman.

  obsolete [ 5CbsEli:t ] (adj.) no longer used过时的

  [例] The old product is now obsolete.

  [同义词] outmoded, antiquated, old-fashioned

  obsolescence [ 7CbsE5lesns ] (n.) process of going out of date because of advances in technology陈旧

  occupation (n) an activity that serves as one's regular source of livelihood职业

  [例]What is your full-time occupation and part-time avocation?

  [同义词] avocation

  offer [ 5CfE ] (n.) statement that you are willing to pay a certain amount出价

  [例] We made a good offer.

  offer (v.) say you are willing to pay/help出价

  off-season (adj & adv) in the cheap, less busy season 淡季的

  [例] The sweater is a real bargain for I bought it off-season.

  off-the-peg (adj.) standard, not customized现成的,标准的

  [例] All the washing machines have off-the-peg parts.

  off-the-shelf (adj.) referring to goods which are made before a customer order is placed

  [例] Before the consumer order is placed, they have prepared off-the-shelf goods.

  opening [ 5EupniN ] (n.) job; vacancy职位空缺

  [例] Is there any opening for the applicants?

  operate [ 5CpEreit ] (v.) run or work a machine/business运转

  [例] The section head should make full function to operate daily production.

  operating profits profits which result from day-to-day business营业利润

  operations chart (n.) graphic which shows the operations on a part of the production system操作图

  [例] Have you make clear of the operations chart? It can show you the operations on a part of the production system.

  operative (n) worker工人

  [例] She is a skilled operative.

  opportunity [ 7CpE5tju:niti ] (n.) chance to do something机会

  [例] There are opportunities and risks in this market.

  optimize [ 5Cptimaiz ] (v.) to do something in the best possible way, for example, production使最优化

  [例] The factory tried to optimize the production.

  option [ 5CpFEn ] (n.) possibility, opportunity选择权,买卖特权

  [例] We have the first option to buy the property.

  [同义词] choice, alternative, selection

  share option (n.) right to buy/sell shares at a certain price on a future date授给在一定时期内按预定价格买卖股票的权利

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