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来源:考试网   2016-11-15【

  2.Presentation It is very common to present yourself in terms of your job. The job identifies the person. The dialogues that you heard follow a certain pattern:

  (1) A: What do you do (for a living)?

  B: Well, I'm in computers. Not a bad job.

  (2) A: Do you work?

  B: Yes, I'm a fashion designer.

  A: That's interesting.

  (3) A: What do you do ( in the ----Department)?

  B: Oh, I'm on the market research side. What about you? / And you?

  (4) A: I haven't seen you around before.

  B: No, I've just started with Manders. I'm in the Sales Department.

  A: What do you do there?


  1. We often use the simple present when talking about jobs.

  e.g. A: What do you do?

  B: I work for Manders.

  2. We use a variety of prepositions to indicate work relationships.

  e.g. I work for Manders (they are my employers)

  I work at Manders (the place)

  I work with Manders (a sense of collaboration)

  I'm in computers (general type of work)

  I'm on the market research side (general type of work)

  I'm in the Sales Department (specific place of work)

  3. Controlled practice

  Choose the most appropriate response.

  1. I'm in computers. What about you?

  a. Oh, I live in London.

  b. Well. I work in Sales.

  c. Oh, I've been here for years.

  2. I'm Mr. Jane's secretary. He's the Production Manager.

  a. Ah, that's interesting.

  b. Is that one of your colleagues over there?

  c. Oh, I haven't met him.

  3. I live in Paris. What about you?

  a. I'm a fashion designer.

  b. I live right here.

  c. Well, I work from home.

  4. My husband's in the Production Department.

  a. I'm in the Sales Department.

  b. Not a bad job.

  c. Oh yes, I think I've met him.

  5. Hello. I'm Sarah. I haven't seen you around before.

  a. What do you do for a living?

  b. Is that one of your colleagues?

  c. No, I'm new here.

责编:xixi2580 评论 纠错


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