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来源:考试网   2016-11-15【

  (7) A: Let me introduce you two. Maxine, this is Francis.

  B: Nice to meet you, Maxine. Are you an old friend of Tony's?

  C: Oh yes, Tony and I have known each other for years, haven't we?

  A: Yes, that's right.

  2.Prisentation Introductions often include thes steps:

  You heard two types of introduction: Greeting

  Or } introduction --> response request for introduction

  You head two types of introduction: introducing yourself introducing some one else

  Notes:1. Some introductions are more formal than others. The use of first names indicates informality.

  2. In English-speaking cultures, peolle usually shake hands on first meting.

  Now listen again and indicate whether the introdcution is formal(F) or informal(I). The first one has been done for you.

  Introduction 1 ( F) Introduction 2 ( )

  Introduction 3 ( ) Introduction 4 ( )

  Introduction 5 ( ) Introduction 6 ( )

  Introduction 7 ( )

  3. Contralled practice

  Complete the introductions.

  (1). Peter King introduces himself to Jack Simpson:

  Peter King: Hello, My name's Peter King

  Jack Simpson: I'm Jack Simpson.

  (2). Philip introduces Sarah to James:

  Sarah: Philip, I Here. You'll have to .

  Philip: Of , I'll to James. He's an old friend of mine.

  James, Sarah, she's just joined the company.

  James: ,Sarah. Where do you come from?

  (3). Rod Burton introduces Pete Taylor to an important custome:

  Pete: Rod, I Mrs Rogers, the Purchasing Manager from Kentons.

  Rod: I'm . Come and meet her. Mrs Rogers, Pete Taylor, our Export Sales Manager.

  Mrs Rogers: What countries do you cover?

  (4). Klaus Fischer introduces himself to an American visitor:

  Klaus Fischer: How ? My

  American: . Brenda Cole.

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