1.(1-5)AABAA (6-10)BBACC
2.(1-5)DBDBC (6-10)BBDAC
完形填空题 (15%)
(1-5)ACBAC (6-10)BCABB
语境意义题: (15%)
(1-5) EGACB
1. Deepen economic restructuring, so as to create a sound institutional environment for expediting development and expanding opening-up.
2. China will engage in foreign trade activities in accordance with international practice. China has already honored its commitments and reduced tariffs beginning in July 2000, from 15.3 percent to 12 percent. Moreover, it cancelled quota permit management for the import of many products.
3. We take pleasure in enclosing the latest designs of our products, which are superior in quality and moderate in price and sure to be saleable in your market.
4. We have received your enquiry of August 2 and learn of your interest in our Vacuum Cleaners MP208. We are now enclosing our illustrated catalogues and price list you asked for.
5. Our insurance company is a state-operated enterprise enjoying high prestige and has agents in all main ports and regions of the world.
IV. 风格意义类试题(共30%)
1978 年,中国只有单一的公有制经济,国有企业占77.6%,集体企业占22.4%,改革开放为多种经济成分的共同发展开辟了广阔空间。个体和私营工业企业、外商和港澳台商投资工业得到迅猛发展。到2000年,国有工业及国有控股工业总产值占全国国有企业及大型非国有工业企业的48.3%,工业增加值占59.2%,从业人员占55.5%,利润总额占56.1%,集体工业总产值占全部国有企业及大型非国有工业企业的15.2%,工业增加值占13.9%,从业人员占16.6%;外商和港澳台商投资工业总产值占27.1%,工业增加值占22.5%,从业人员占14.7%。个体和私营工业总产值占9.4%,从业人员占13.2%。
一级建造师二级建造师二级建造师造价工程师土建职称公路检测工程师建筑八大员注册建筑师二级造价师监理工程师咨询工程师房地产估价师 城乡规划师结构工程师岩土工程师安全工程师设备监理师环境影响评价土地登记代理公路造价师公路监理师化工工程师暖通工程师给排水工程师计量工程师