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来源:考试网   2016-01-29【

  Writing 1 hour 10 minutes

  Part one

  Question 1

  ●An international survey has recently been conducted, asking whether companies plan to alter their spending on information technology next year. The pie charts below compare planned expenditure on IT by European and South-East Asian companies in the coming year

  ●Using the information from the pie chart , write a short report describing the differences between Europe and South-East Asia.

  ●Write 120-140 words

  Part two

  Write an answer to one of the question 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.

  Question 2

  ●Your company opened a new branch a year ago and the Managing Director at Head Office has asked you to prepare a report on its progress.

  ●Write your report for the Managing Director. Including the following information:

  ●the reason for opening the branch

  ●its successes

  ●problems experienced

  ●plans for the coming year

  Question 3

  Your department recently moved to a new building, you are not satisfied with the way the removal company dealt with the move of your furniture and equipment and have decided to write a letter of complaint to the removal company a bout it.

  Write the letter to the removal company, including the following information:

  Details of the move and what was moved

  What was unsatisfactory

  What you had expected from the company

  What you expect to happen now

  Question 4

  the international organization you work for is considering the possibility of producing a promotional brochure to publicise the company abroad . The Managing Director has asked you to write a contribution for this brochure.

  Write your proposal for the Managing Director, including the following information

  Possible contents of the brochure

  Ways to make it attractive

  Benefits the brochure could have for the company


  approximately 40 minutes (including 10 minutes’ transfer time)

  Part one:

  Question 1-12

  ●You will hear a representative of a company which organizes trade fairs for academic recruitment . she is talking to a group of prospective clients.

  ● As you listen, for questions 1-12. complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.

  ●.After you have listened once, replay the recording.

  Praxis Academic Recruitment Fairs

  Specific geographical areas served:


  (2) __________________________________________________________

  Package includes:

  Exhibition(3) ___________________________________________________

  Delivery of all (4) ___________________________


  cal(5) ___________________________

  “Filtering system”:

  Works through (6) ___________________________

  Advertisements placed in (7) ___________________________

  And on (8) ___________________________

  “context-sensitive” feature:

  Convenient (9) ___________________________

  Services of (10) ___________________________

  More details from publicity leaflet about:

  (11) ___________________________

  Special services

  (12) ___________________________

  Part two

  Question 13-22

  ●You will hear five different people speaking about changes in personnel in their place of work

  ●For each extract there are two tasks, For Task One , choose the reason for change in personnel from the list A-H .For Task Two, choose the action that has been taken as a result, from the list A –H

  ●After you have listened once, reply the recording

  Task one—Reason

  ●For questions 13-17 ,match the extracts with the reasons, listed A –H

  ●For each extract, choose the reason each speaker mentions.

  ●write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract






  A sick leave

  B dismissal

  C promotion

  D secondment

  E resignation

  F study leave

  H redundancy

  Task Two-Action

  ●For question 18-22, match the extracts with the problem areas in the new workplace , listed A – H.

  ●For each extract, choose the action mentions.

  ●Write one letter A –H next to the number of the extract.






  A employment on a temporary contract

  B contracting work to another company

  C doing a lot of overtime

  D changing holiday plans

  E increasing the work done at another site

  F postponing work

  G giving staff extra training

  H headhunting a successor

  Part Three

  Question 23-30

  ●You will hear part of a radio interview with Paul Jefferson, who set up his own import business.

  ●For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A ,B or C) for the correct answer.

  ●After you have listened once, replay the recording.

  23 Paul’s immediate financial aim is to be able to

  A get out of debt

  B satisfy his expensive tastes

  C cover his regular outgoings

  24 Sarah Hall’s role in Paul’s business is to

  A provide him with a regular income

  B pay for the goods that he imports

  C cover his marketing costs

  25 Paul finds it difficult to sell at a profit because

  A his customers drive down his prices

  B his suppliers overcharge

  C his competitors can undercut him

  26 The supermarket told Paul that they

  A would stock a selection of his products

  B thought his products wouldn’t sell

  C might buy his products in the future.

  27 What was the reason for Paul’s problem with the restaurant chain?

  A they cancelled their order

  B They went out of business

  C they refused to pay the agreed price

  28 Paul was told that the department store wanted to

  A increase the number of suppliers

  B replace one of their suppliers

  C start stocking products like his.

  29 Paul’s strategy now is to focus on

  A selling a limited range of products

  B finding new lines to import

  C targeting a few large customers

  30 Paul’s immediate priority is to

  A employ a sales person

  B increase his sales

  C start selling abroad

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