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来源:考试网   2020-06-05【

  labour costs 劳动力成本

  例:The labour costs are the cost of employing workers and staff.劳动力成本指雇用劳 动力和职员所需的费用。

  labour-saving 节省劳力的

  例: Machines which make work quicker and easier are known as labour-saving devices. 能使工作简单快捷的机械装置被称为节省劳力的器械。

  land parcel 地块

  例:Four land parcels in the centre of the first-phase area are open for bidding.位于首期 工程中心的四块地将进行招标。

  lapel mike (挂在翻领上的)佩带式话筒


  laser printer激光打印机,一种用激光束扫描成像的打印机。激光打印机使用墨盒, 点矩阵式打印机使用色带,前者效果好得多,但打印成本也髙得多,而且对纸张也 有一定要求。

  例:The publicity material has been made using a laser printer.这种宣传材料是用激光 打印机打印的。

  latent demand潜在需求

  例:In many cases, a substantial number of people share a need for a product or service that does not yet exist. This is called latent demand .在许多情况下,往往有相当一部 分人对尚未问世的产品或服务有一种共同的需求,这被称作潜在需求。

  lateral thinking水平思考(方法)(指解决问题时从各个不同角度来思考而不是固定 从一个方面来思考的方法)

  例:The authors argue that imagination and lateral thinking, not technical know-how, are the key sources of competitive advantage.作者认为,竞争优势的重要来源是想象力 和水平思考方法,而不是技术诀窍。

  launch 1推出,将(新产品)投放市场

  例: The launch of the product will mean that we all have an cxcitir^ and busy twelve months ahead of us.推出该产品意味着接下来的12个月将繁忙又充满刺激°

  launch 2发动(宣传活动)

  例:To promote the product, they arc going to launch a publicity campaign. 为促销该产 品,他们准备发动一场宣传攻势。

  law of large numbers 大数定律(随机现象中的基本规律)

  例:insuring companies assumes risks for relatively small premium because of the lazv of lar^e numl>ers, which assumes that while any one policyholder may suffer a loss, out of a total population of policy holders only a few will actually suffer a loss.保险公司之所以能 够收取相对较少的保费承担风险,是根据以下大数定律原理:即假设虽然任何一个投 保人都有可能遭受损失,但真正遭受损失的人在总牧投保人中只占少数<.

  layoff使 下岗c

  例; No one will be laid off without the full agreement of the trade union.未经工会—致 同意,谁也不会下岗c


  例:There has bevn an increase in lhe number of lay-offs this month.这个月暂时失业 人数增加。

  layout 1 (建筑)设计,布局

  例: The factory' s layout has been designed for maximum efficiency.工厂的内部布局是 以取得最高效率为冒的而设计的.

  laywt2 (广告、书籍、报刊的)版面编排,版面设计

  例:HeTs responsible for advertisement layout.他负责广告的版面设计。

  lay-over (旅行中途的)短暫停留

  例:Long lay-o-uers and flight delays play havoc on your body’s sleep cycle.长时间的中 途逗留和航班延误会使你的身体睡眠周期产生混乱。

  leaderlessgroup discussion无领导群体讨论,自然群体讨论(一种招聘甄选管理人 员评估手段,让申请者一起讨论•-个问题,并达成全体决策,以评估各位申请者的 沟通技巧、领导能力和个人影响力等)

  leadership training领导技巧培训

  例:It's a good idea to invest in a month or two of leadership training .花上一、 二个月 的时间参加领导技巧培训,是个不错的主意。


  例 1: Our company is one of the country's leading clothes manufacturers.我公司是国 内 领先服装生产厂家之一

  例 2: The book is available in all leading booksiores.该书在各大书店有售。


  例: Although our network is already one of the most reliable in the industry, we're investing more than $ 5 billion annually to add the newest leading-edge technologies and state-of-the-art innovations.尽管我们的网络已是业内最可靠的网络之一,我们每年仍 投资50多亿美元引进最先进的技术和最新的发明。


  例 1: The publicity leaflets for the new model will not be back from the printers until Friday, 11 July.新款产品的宣传传单要等到星期五,也就是7月11日才能从印刷商 那里印毕取回。

  例 2: &11 the number if you want to receive extra leaflets ,苦要索取更多的宣传印刷 品,请拨打此电话。

  learnfare 助学金,亦作 leam fare

  例:In a survey of school districts, 72 respondents indicated dropouts were returning to school where Learn fare or AFDC payments wpre identified as a reason.在一项校区调査 中,72名答卷人认为辍学者回到学校的原因之一是学校所在地有助学金或子女家庭 补助计划。

  lease t 租赁

  例:The company's office buildings are put out to lease、公司的办公大楼被出租。

  lease 2租借权

  例:The company obtained leases on large pieces of land-该公司得到大块 土地的承租 权。

  lease 3租约

  例:A lease includes terms coveri皿 certain rights and obligations.租约上包含的条歎规定了某些权利和义务

  lease 4租赁期限

  例:When your lease expires, you have the right to stay, provided you and your landlord agree on the terms of a new lea*.租赁期满后,只要与房主签订新租约,用户有权继 续使用该房产°

  leasing 租赁

  例:You will le^rn about both the expenses and tax benefits of leasing ・你将了 解有关租 货费用和税利等事宜c

  least-worst 差中最优的

  例: Public opinion surveys have shown ihat a queue is regarded as the least-wns! way to deal with non-urgent e

  tectern (讲演者放讲稿的)斜面讲台

  lecture theatre 梯形教室,梯形报吿厅,等于lecture hall

  ledger 分类账,亦作 ledge book

  例: All aspect of bookkeeping are covered, including sales and ledger books, pctiy cash and final accounts.课程内容涵盖了记账的所有方面,包括销售额和分类账、小欲现金 及决算账目。

  legal action法律诉讼

  例: Employers musi lake sufficient steps to protect non-smoking employees from tobacco smoke or they might be faced with legal action .雇主必须采取足够措•施,保护不吸烟 员工免受香烟损害.否则他们将有可能面对法律诉讼。

  legal aid法律援助

  例:She was eligible for legal aid^她南资格获得法律援助c

  legal compliance 遵纪守法

  例; When executives responding to our survey described an organization as * highly ethical' ,the bchfivkmrs they gave the most weight to were te^al compliance. Uir emplcy- merit practices and delivery of high-qualify goods and services.在调查中,对什么样的企业是“高度合乎道德标准的"这个问题,经理们最看重的行为是遵纪守法、实行公平 招聘以及高质量地提供产品与服务U

  legislators and regulatory authorities 立法与监管机构

  例:Legislators and regulatory authorities work closely with companies to ensure that start-up and expansion plans run smoothly.立法与监管机构和企业密切合作,以保证创 办公司和业务扩展计划顺利实施C

  legroom (车辆、飞机、剧院等座位前)供伸腿的空间,腿步活动余地

  例: The airline is attracting business travellers by increasing legroam and launching a frequent-flyer programme.这家航空公司通.过增加座位前的伸腿空间及开展常客奖励计 划来吸引商务旅行者。

  leisure activities 娱乐活动

  例:This property Would be suitable mainly for leisure actruities .这座大楼主要适舎用 糸经营娱乐活动。

  leisure facilities 娱乐消遺设施

  例: After a hard day's work, such leisure facilities provide guests with the perfect opportunity to unwind. 一天辛苦之后,这些娱乐设施将为住客提供身心放松的绝好机 会。

  leisure industry休闲服务业,娱乐服务业(专门为假日和休闲时间提供产品及服务) 例:A short working week led to the growth of the leisure industry.每周工作时间缩短 有助于休闲狠务业的发展。

  leisure interests业余爱好,业余兴趣

  例:Swimming is one of my leisure interests .游泳是我的业余爱好之一。

  lender of last resort最后贷款人(指中央银行作为金融体系和货币发行的最后保障 作用)

  例: The central bank can also use its powers as a lender of last resort to raise the shortterm market rate of interest.中央银行还能够运用其作为最后贷款人的权.力提高短期 市场利率。


  例:Profit is sales revenue less variable and fixed costs.销售收入扣除可变成本和固定成本等于利润。



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