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来源:考试网   2020-06-02【

  employment package受聘后的种种好处,受聘后的一揽子福利

  例: During the interview, the employment package is explained, this includes the annual holiday entitlement, the rates of pay and the opportunities for promotion. 在面试 过程中, 招聘公司向受聘者讲清受聘后的种种好处,包括每年可享受的假期,工资级别,以及 晋升机会等。

  empowerment 权力下放

  例:Empowe口nmi seeks to break this downward spiral of powerlessness by givir^ employees a sense of real controL权力下放旨在打破这种不断急剧下降的无权状况,给予 员工一种真正权力在握的感觉C

  emulator 竞争者

  例:An emulator is ambitious, determined to win in life.善于竞争者通常充满雄心壮 志.一心想成为生活的赢家。

  encrypt 加密

  例: You can have your mobile system encrypted in order to stop other people listening in on your conversations.用户可以为自己的移动电话系统加密,以防他人窃听通话内容。

  encryption technology 加密技术

  endorse 1背书,在(票据等)背面签字

  例 1: Make sure the bill of exchange is correctly drawn, signed and endorsed ・ 必须确认 汇票是否正确地开出、签名和背书。

  例 2: The bank asked him to endorse the cheque,银行要求他在支票上背书。

  endorse 2 (名人)为(商品等)作广告(说明自己使用并欣赏该产品)

  例;A famous actor endorsed a hair cream in a TV commercial.—位知名演员在电视广 告节目中为一种发乳做广告。

  endorsement 1 签名,背书

  endorsement 2 (名人)为(商品等)作广告

  例:They are making every effort to ensure that product endorsement by celebrities is beneficial to their company.他们想方设法,力图确保请名人为产品作广告会为公司带 来效益C

  endowmert policy人寿定期保险单(在指定日期或投保人逝世时给付保险金) 例:The endowment policy is payable in 2004・这份人寿定期保险单到2004年赔付。

  end-product 制成品

  例:The end-product is produced from a variety of raw materials.该制成品由多种原材 料制成。

  end user (真正使用某产品的)最终用户

  例: Most business is done by identifying end users and possible joint venture partners. 多 数业务通过确定最终用户及合资企业合伙人的方式进行。


  例: The Mars chocolate bar is sold as an all-round nutritious snack in the UK and as an energiser in Europe.金星牌巧克力块在英国作为富有全面营养的零食出售,而在欧洲 则是一种能够增加能量的食品。

  energy efficiency 节能

  例: Soon people were reading ads in magazines, hearing ads on the radio, and seeing signs along highways promoting the energy efficiency of the company's new cars. 很快,人们 就从杂志上和牧音机里读到并听到它的广告,并且在公路两旁看到宣传公司新产汽车 节能特点的广吿牌.

  energy-efficient 节能的

  例:We use energy-efficient computer hardware,我们使用节能电脑硬件。

  enquiry 询价

  例:A new customer phoned me to make an enquiry、一位新顾客来电询价©

  en suite bedroom 卧室套间

  例: The hotel has 20 en suite bedrooms, all of which are beautifully furnished and contain

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  a writing desk, colour TV, radio, direct dial telephone and mini-bar. 这家酒店有 20 至 装饰精美的卧室套间,内有写字台、彩色电视、收音机、直拨电话和小冰箱。

  enterprise (办企业的)进取精神,事业心

  例:She has great enterprise and is sure to make the business work,她进取心很强,定 能使公司有效运作。

  entertainment 1 娱乐活动

  例:Visiting the falls was a popular entertainment.参观瀑布是受大家欢迎的娱乐活 动。

  entertainment 2 招待

  例:The hotel is famous for its gocd entertainment.这家酒店以周到待客而闻名。

  entertainment allowance交际费,招待费(提供给从事推销等的人员用于招待客户、 代理人等),亦作entertainment expenses

  例:I spent most of my entertainment alltmxince on my last overseas trip. 上次到 国外出 差,我用掉了大部分的交际费。

  entertainment expenses 交际费,招待费,亦作 entertainment allowance 例: Employees indicate the business purpose of each purchase and, in the case of enter- tainment expenses t give the names of guests.员工需写明所购物品的业务用途,如果是 交际费,则提供客人姓名。

  entrepot trade转口贸易(经港口、机场、地区转运货物)

  例:Rotterdam and Singapore are centres for entrepot trade .鹿特丹利新加坡是转口贸 易中心。

  entrepreneur 企业家

  例: Entrepre?ieurs start new businesses for lois of reasonsf some good and some not so good.企业家出于多种原因创办企业,有些高尚,有些并不那么高尚。

  entrepreneurial organization企业家组织结构,企业家体制(由不受雇于他人的独立 企业家组织协调的经营活动)

  例: EntrepreneuriaI organizations allow fast response without any loss of control,企业 家组织结构这种形式既能够不失去对企业的控制,又能使企业反应快速。

  entry manifest 报关单

  例: Documentation includes an entry manifest, commercial invoice, packing lists, and other documents.入关所需证件包括报关单、商业发票、装箱单及其他单诋。


  例: More and more companies are adopting an envihmmensHyfriendly policy. 越来趙 多的企业开始在生产中实行环保政策。

  epitomise 象征

  例:IKEA furniture epitomises Sweden, Lancome expresses the sophistication of the Frenchwoman. H宜家”家具是瑞典的象征,而“兰蔻"香水则体现了法国女郎的高 雅风韵。

  equities 普通股,亦作 equity share

  例:Investing in equities carried a fairly high risk.投资普通股果风险较髙。


  equity capital股权资本,股金

  例:the foreign joint venture's contribution of the cash equity capital.这 家外国合资企 业提供的现金股权资本

  equity shareholder 普通股股东,普通股持有者

  例: From this are deducted fixed interest payment and preferred shares dividends, which leaves net profits available to the ordinary or equity shareholders ・从中再扣除固定利息和 优先股红利,剩下的才是供普通股股东分享的利润。


  例: Microsoft has a $ 5bn equity stake in AT&T, which recently bot^ht Media One for $57bn,微软公司拥有美国电信电诘公司的50亿美元的股权.而美国电信电话公司 最近又用570亿美元买下了 “传媒一号”公司。

  ergonomicalJy designed能发挥工作者最大效能的设计,符合功效学的设计

  例: Every effort has been made to ensure that those word processors have been ergontytni- cally designed .为保证这些文字处理机在设计上能发挥工作者奴大效能,他们付出了 极大努力。


  escape clause例外条款(允许合同中的一方在特殊情况下可不履行合同条款) 例:Make sure you include an escape clause ・你一定要列入例外条款。

  escort tour陪同游览服务

  彳列: Many hotels will arrange escort tours by coach, or on foot to visit local attractions. 许 多酒店会安排陪同游览服务,乘车或步行参观当地的旅游名胜C


  例: What the court ruling shows is that without clear guidelines one man's espionage may be another man's market research strategy.从法庭裁决 的结果 来看,如果缺乏明 确的准则,一个人的刺探行为在另一个人身上可能只是市场调査策略。

  established company 知名公司,亦作 established corporation

  例:The small business was bought by a large established company.那家小企业被一家 知名公司收购c

  established corporation 知名企业,亦作 established company

  例:Many established multinational corporations have adopted sets of standards with some common denominator applicable to the numerous markets served. 许多 知名 跨国公 司釆纳了适用其众多服务市场、带有共性的道德标准。

  established practice习惯做法,通行做法,惯例

  例: This is already established practice in the retail sector, where music is used to en- couiE^e shoppers lo spend more time in the store-利用音乐吸引购物者在店里逗留更多 时间,这早已是零售业的通行做法。

  estate agent房地产经纪,房地产代理

  例:Most people sell their homes through an estate agent,大多数人通过房地产经纪出 修房子。

  estimate 1估算,概算,估计

  例 1: 1 can give you a rough esti/nate of the number of staff needed to work on the project. 我可以给你一份该项工程所需工作人员的大约估算数字。

  例2: Your estimate was far more than we want to pay.你的估价远远超过我们的支出预算



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