

当前位置:考试网 >> 商务英语 >> BEC初级 >> 口语听力 >> 2020年商务英语初级常用词汇:T


来源:考试网   2020-06-28【

  tailor made products 特制产品

  take delivery of goods 提货

  take on full responsibility for the success of a business (idiom) 自负盈亏

  take the preemptive opportunities 抢得先机

  take-home pay 实得工资

  takeover 接管

  takeover bid盘进(一个公司)的出价

  taking money on deposit 接受存款

  tangible assets; visible assets有形财产;有形资产

  tanker 油轮

  tare 皮重

  target hitting activities达标活动

  tariff barrier关税堡垒

  tariff concession关税减让

  tariff quota 关税配额

  tariff; customs duty 关税

  task force 突击队,攻关小队(为完成某项任务而在一起的一组人

  tax 税

  tax allocation税捐分配

  tax allowance免减税;避税

  tax burden 税收负担

  tax bureau 税务局

  tax collecting station税务所

  tax collector 收税员;税务员

  tax dodger 偷税人

  tax refund出口退税

  tax exempt special savings account 免税特别储蓄账户

  tax items税目

  tax law 税务法令

  tax on industry 工商所得税

  tax payment税款

  tax policy税收政策

  tax rates; rate of taxation税率

  tax rebate减退税款

  tax reduction减税

  tax regulations 税则

  taxable income可征税收入;须纳税的收入


  taxation system 税制

  tax-deductible 在计算所得税时予以扣除的

  taxes; duties税捐

  tax-for-fees reform 费改税改革

  tax-free; tax exemption免税

  taxpayer 纳税人

  TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade)技术性贸易壁垒

  teamwork work 联合工作

  technical visa 技术签证

  technological updating of enterprises 企业技术改造

  technology transfer技术转让

  telegraphic communication 电讯

  telegraphic transfer; telegraphically remit 电汇

  telephone operator 电话接线员

  telesales 电话销售

  temporary defensive preferential system 暂时防御性特惠制

  temporary export 暂时出口

  temporary import 暂时进口

  temporary income; transitory income 暂时收入

  temporary post临时职位

  tender 投标人

  tender guarantee投标保证函

  term loan分期偿还贷款

  term of loan贷款条件

  terminate a contract 结束合同,结束契约

  termination of risk 保险责任终止


  test check; sport check抽查

  testamentary trust 遗嘱信托

  TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit) 标准集装箱

  the air cargo tariff 航空运费表

  The Bretton Woods System布雷顿森林体系

  the customs; custom house海关

  the European Union欧洲联盟

  the G-7七国集团

  the king of quantity数量之首

  the metric system 公制

  the Ministry of Finance财政部

  the populace's cultivation 国民素质

  the project of rural retailing development 万村千乡工程

  the queen of quality质量最佳

  the reform of rural taxes and administrative charge农村税费改革

  theoretical weight 理论重量

  third-party insurance第三保险

  Three Greens 三绿

  through goods transportation直达货物运输

  through multimodal transport 全程多种方式联运


  tight market供不应求的市场

  tighten credit creation 紧缩信贷

  time bar 时效

  time certificate of deposit 定期存款单

  time charter定期租船

  time charter trip 航次期租

  time charterer's liability 期租承运人责任

  time honored shop 老字号

  time of delivery货时间

  time of shipment装运期限

  time of validity有效期限

  timework work 计时工作


  tonnage certificate 吨位证书

  tonnage measurement certificate 吨位丈量证书

  top priority 当务之急

  total assets 总资产

  total cost总成本

  total loss全部损失

  total loss only仅保全损

  total revenue总收益

  total value 总值

  TPND (theft, pilferage and non-delivery) 偷窃提货不着险

  TPRM (Trade Policy Review Mechanism)贸易审议机制

  TQC(=Total Quality Control 全面质量管理



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