Concentrate on the core areas–these are the ones that are regularly examined;your Kaplan tutor will help you to identify what they are.But your strategy should be study breadth not depth;it is much better to have a working knowledge of the whole syllabus rather than just 6 topics in lots of depth.
Pay attention to the verbs in the question to start with.‘Explain’requires you to state an answer with some facts as examples to support it.So,if the question was,‘Explain the evidence you would seek when auditing provisions’,then an answer may be,‘External advice from a solicitor to prove existence and valuation.
P7 – Advanced Audit & Assurance (UK & INT variant)
Core areas of the syllabus expected to be examined in every sitting:
• Engagement planning and risk (audit risk likely this sitting);
• Gathering evidence;
• Ethics/professional issues; and
• Engagement reporting (particularly audit qualifications).
Subject of recent articles:
• Forensic investigations and audit (September 2008).
(Likely to include elements of planning
and/or gathering evidence similar to question 2 of pilot paper).
‘Peripheral topics’ from exam approach article yet to be covered:
• Regulatory framework;
• Obtaining professional work; and
• Corporate governance.