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考试网  [ 2017年4月24日 ] 【

  Business valuation is ‘an art not a science’. These are the words used by manyACCA financial management tutors (including myself) when introducing this topic to students preparing for Papers F9 or P4. The words imply that when trying to value the equity capital of a business, there is range of possible correct answers, all of which can be justified as being the most appropriate. To a certain extent this is true but, as I like to put it, ‘there are different degrees of correctness’.


  Reviewing the past Paper F9 and Paper P4 exams demonstrate how important business valuation is within the ACCA financial management syllabuses. Questions on this topic have been included in the majority of F9 papers since December 2007. The questions have tested the ‘basic’ equity valuation methods of:

  · net assets

  · dividend valuation model (or dividend growth model)

  · earnings model using P/E ratio or earnings yield

  过去F9和P4 的历年真题都表明了企业价值评估在ACCA教学大纲的重要性。从2007年12月份开始,这个主题的问题考察就被包括在F9的主要知识点中。已经考过基本权益计价方法:

  l 净资产

  l 股息估值模型(或股利增长模型)

  l 使用P/E比率或收益率盈利模式

  Paper P4's syllabus builds on those methods tested at the lower level paper. The concept is the same – to find the value of equity. However, the techniques and methods are more sophisticated. As I stated above, ‘there are different degrees of correctness’.

  The primary purpose of this article is to demonstrate how to tackle a Paper P4 business valuation question. The detailed understanding of this topic will be gained from your Paper P4 studies, whichever mode you choose to use. My aim is to show you how to successfully apply this knowledge under exam conditions.





  As stated above, there are more methods and models that can be used to find an equity share price at Paper P4. The official textbooks explain these in detail and choose different ways of categorising them within their material. I prefer to take a simple view of equity valuation by allocating the methods into two main categories:

  · Pre-acquisition

  · Post-acquisition


  l 收购前

  l 收购后

  Under the first category, the question will be asking the students to ascertain an equity value for a company. The entity may be a private company and, hence, no stock market price exists or that even if the company is listed, the market price may not be appropriate for the relevant situation. The valuation methods appropriate here are:

  · net assets

  · dividend valuation model (or dividend growth model)

  · earnings model using P/E ratio or earnings yield

  · net assets + calculated intangible value (CIV)

  · free cash flows (FCF)


  l 净资产

  l 股息估值模型(或股利增长模型)

  l 使用P/E比率或收益率盈利模式

  l 净资产+无形资产计算值(CIV)

  l 自由现金流(FCF)

  Past Paper P4 questions have, in my view, clearly indicated which method should be used to arrive at the share price. However, it is fair to say that the free cash flow model has been tested more than any other method, especially since December 2010.

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