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考试网  [ 2016年6月7日 ] 【

  1.In the context of work planning and personal development planning, a SMART framework is often used as a checklist of the characteristics of effective goals.

  What does the 'M' in SMART stand for?

  A. Measurable

  B. Motivational

  C. Memorable

  D. Manageable

  2.A manager is assessing the performance of her team members. In accordance with the appraisal system of the organisation, she has been given a list of characteristics and performance elements, with notes on how to interpret and apply the terms: 'integrity', 'punctuality' and so on. She is required to comment on how each appraisee measures up in terms of each factor.

  Which appraisal technique is this organisation using?

  A. Overall assessment

  B. Grading

  C. Behavioural incident

  D. Guided assessment

  3.Which of the following is a disadvantage of a large panel or selection board interview compared to inpidual or one-to-one interviews?

  A. Specialists can ask a questions about technical areas of the work

  B. Questions tend to be more varied and more random

  C. A number of people see the candidate at one sitting

  D. There is less opportunity for personal rapport with the candidate

  4.'The justification for empowering workers, or removing levels in hierarchies that restrict freedom, is that not only will the job be done more effectively but the people who do the job will get more out of it in terms of growth, challenge, responsibility and self-fulfilment'.

  The thinking is in line with which management writer?

  A. Taylor

  B. Herzberg

  C. Fayol

  D. Weber

  5.A team leader is having difficulties with conflict in the team, due to 'clashes' or incompatibilities in the personalities of two of its members. The leader draws up a list of options for managing the problem.

  Which option, from the following list, would be the least practicable?

  A. Encourage the members to modify their behaviours

  B. Encourage the members to modify their personalities

  C. Educate the members about personality differences

  D. Remove one of the members from the team



  解析:SMART is 'Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bounded', although versions differ.

  Manageable and Motivational are both very plausible - and also qualities of effective goals - but you wouldn't want to replace 'measurable', which is essential (otherwise, how will you know when you've reached your goal?).


  解析: Overall assessment is narrative comment without the guidance on how the terms should be applied. Grading uses rating scales (definitions of performance on each characteristic from 1-5, say). Behavioural incident methods compare specific behaviours against typical behaviour in each job.


  解析:This is a disadvantage because there may not be a clear interview strategy, and candidates may have trouble switching from one topic to another.

  'A number of people see the candidate at one sitting' is an advantage, because it reduces inpidual bias, and saves time in sharing assessments (eg compared to a series of one-to-one interviews).

  'Specialists can ask a questions about technical areas of the work' is an advantage, because a single interviewer may not be able to spot candidate weaknesses in technical areas.

  'There is less opportunity for personal rapport with the candidate' is an advantage, because personal rapport may lead to favourable bias on the part of an interviewer.


  解析:Herzberg found that people's behaviour in the workplace was affected by more than their physical and social needs; the content of the work itself had an effect on motivation and performance.


  解析:Personality is a relatively stable and distinctive concept: it is very difficult (if not impossible) to change personality, and the attempt has radical effects! The other options are constructive approaches to handling personality clashes in a team.

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