


来源 :华课网校 2024-06-23 01:41:58


1. おはようございます (Ohayou gozaimasu) - おはよう (Ohayou) - Good morning

2. こんにちは (Konnichiwa) - Hi/Hello

3. こんばんは (Konbanwa) - Good evening

4. ありがとうございます (Arigatou gozaimasu) - ありがとう (Arigatou) - Thank you (formal)

5. すみません (Sumimasen) - Excuse me/Sorry

6. いただきます (Itadakimasu) - Thanks for the meal (before eating)

7. ごちそうさまでした (Gochisousama deshita) - Thanks for the meal (after eating)

8. お疲れ様でした (Otsukaresama deshita) - Thank you for your hard work

9. はい (Hai) - Yes

10. いいえ (Iie) - No

11. おやすみなさい (Oyasumi nasai) - Good night

12. お元気ですか? (Ogenki desu ka?) - How are you?

13. お久しぶりです (Ohisashiburi desu) - Long time no see

14. ごめんなさい (Gomen nasai) - I'm sorry

15. どういたしまして (Dou itashimashite) - You're welcome

16. どうぞ (Douzo) - Please/Here you are

17. お願いします (Onegaishimasu) - Please (request)

18. ありがとうございました (Arigatou gozaimashita) - Thank you (past tense/formal)

19. まあまあです (Maa maa desu) - So-so

20. よろしくお願いします (Yoroshiku onegaishimasu) - Nice to meet you/Please take care of me

21. おはよ (Ohayo) - Good morning (informal)

22. こんちゃ (Koncha) - Hi/Hello (informal)

23. ばいばい (Baibai) - Bye

24. ありがとう (Arigatou) - Thank you (informal)

25. ごめん (Gomen) - Sorry (informal)

26. いただき (Itadaki) - Thanks for the meal (before eating, informal)

27. ごちそうさん (Gochisousan) - Thanks for the meal (after eating, informal)

28. おつかれ (Otsukare) - Thank you for your hard work (informal)

29. うん (Un) - Yes (informal)

30. いや (Iya) - No (informal)

31. おやす (Oyasu) - Good night (informal)

32. 元気? (Genki?) - How are you? (informal)

33. お久しぶ (Ohisashibu) - Long time no see (informal)

34. ご免 (Gomen) - I'm sorry (informal)

35. どうも (Doumo) - Thanks/Hello

36. おおきに (Ookini) - Thank you (Kansai dialect)

37. まったく (Mattaku) - Really/Completely

38. おっす (Ossu) - Hi/Hey (informal)

39. めんどくさい (Mendokusai) - Annoying/Troublesome

40. なるほど (Naruhodo) - I see/That makes sense

41. お早う (Ohayou) - Good morning (informal, Kansai dialect)

42. どうぞ宜しく (Douzo yoroshiku) - Nice to meet you/Please take care of me (formal)

43. おおきに宜しく (Ookini yoroshiku) - Nice to meet you/Please take care of me (informal, Kansai dialect)

44. お先に失礼します (Osaki ni shitsurei shimasu) - Excuse me for leaving before you (formal)

45. 行ってきます (Ittekimasu) - I'm off (leaving home)

46. 行ってらっしゃい (Itterasshai) - Have a good trip (to someone leaving home)

47. ただいま (Tadaima) - I'm home

48. お帰りなさい (Okaerinasai) - Welcome home

49. お茶しましょ (Ocha shimasho) - Let's have some tea

50. ご一緒しましょう (Goissho shimashou) - Let's do it together

51. お邪魔します (Ojama shimasu) - Excuse me for disturbing you (formal)

52. ごめんなさいね (Gomen nasai ne) - I'm sorry (with emphasis, informal)

53. 何言ってんの? (Nani itten no?) - What are you talking about? (informal)

54. それは違うでしょ (Sore wa chigau desho) - That's not right, is it? (informal)

55. いいじゃん (Ii jan) - It's okay (informal)

56. 何でやねん (Nande yanen) - What the heck? (Kansai dialect)

57. すごいね (Sugoi ne) - That's amazing (informal)

58. ちょっと待って (Chotto matte) - Wait a minute (informal)

59. お金ないなあ (Okane nai naa) - I don't have any money (informal)

60. ごめん、ちょっと手伝って (Gomen, chotto tetsudatte) - Sorry, could you help me for a bit? (informal)

61. どうしよう (Dou shiyou) - What should I do? (informal)

62. もういいや (Mou ii ya) - I don't care anymore (informal)

63. あーもう (Aa mou) - Oh geez (informal)

64. なんか疲れたなあ (Nanka tsukareta naa) - I'm feeling tired (informal)

65. あのさ (Ano sa) - Hey/You know (informal)

66. ほんまに? (Honmani?) - Really? (Kansai dialect)

67. とりあえず (Toriaezu) - For now/First of all

68. ええやん (Ee yan) - That's fine/good (Kansai dialect)

69. うそでしょ (Uso desho) - You're kidding, right? (informal)

70. まあ、いっか (Maa, ikka) - Oh well, never mind (informal)

71. そうですか (Sou desu ka) - Is that so? (formal)

72. なるほどね (Naruhodo ne) - I see (informal)

73. 本当ですか (Hontou desu ka) - Is that true? (formal)

74. びっくりしました (Bikkuri shimashita) - I was surprised (formal)

75. いいえ、そんなことありません (Iie, sonna koto arimasen) - No, that's not true (formal)

76. おっしゃる通りです (Ossharu toori desu) - You're right/As you say (formal)

77. すみません、もう一度言ってください (Sumimasen, mou ichido itte kudasai) - Excuse me, could you please say that again? (formal)

78. お待ちください (Omachi kudasai) - Please wait (formal)

79. お早うございます、お疲れ様です (Ohayou gozaimasu, otsukaresama desu) - Good morning, thank you for your hard work (formal)

80. ありがとうございます、お疲れ様でした (Arigatou gozaimasu, otsukaresama deshita) - Thank you, and good job (formal)

81. うわあ、すごい (Uwaa, sugoi) - Wow, amazing (informal)

82. 信じられない (Shinjirarenai) - I can't believe it (informal)

83. なんかいい感じ (Nanka ii kanji) - It feels good (informal)

84. ああ、やっぱり (Aa, yappari) - Ah, as I thought (informal)

85. なんだろう、この感じ (Nandarou, kono kanji) - What is this feeling? (informal)

86. すごく楽しかった (Sugoku tanoshikatta) - It was really fun (informal)

87. めっちゃ好き (Meccha suki) - I really like it (Kansai dialect)

88. あれ、どこいった? (Are, doko itta?) - Huh, where did it go? (informal)

89. そんなわけないでしょ (Sonna wake nai desho) - That can't be true (informal)

90. なんか悲しい (Nanka kanashii) - I feel kind of sad (informal)

91. おやすみ (Oyasumi) - Good night (informal)

92. よろしく (Yoroshiku) - Nice to meet you/Please take care of me (informal)

93. おめでとうございます (Omedetou gozaimasu) - Congratulations (formal)

94. お疲れ (Otsukare) - Thank you for your hard work (informal)

95. また明日 (Mata ashita) - See you tomorrow

96. お会いできてうれしかったです (Oai dekite ureshikatta desu) - It was nice to meet you (formal)

97. ごめん、もう少し待って (Gomen, mou sukoshi matte) - Sorry, could you wait a little bit longer? (informal)

98. ありがとうね (Arigatou ne) - Thank you (with emphasis, informal)

99. これからもよろしく (Kore kara mo yoroshiku) - Please continue to take care of me (formal)

100. またあとでね (Mata ato de ne) - See you later (informal)





