


来源 :华课网校 2024-06-22 18:44:59






In China, climbing Mount Tai is a very meaningful thing. Mount Tai is one of the Five Sacred Mountains of China and also a cultural mountain. From ancient times to the present, countless literati and poets have left behind their praises and praises for Mount Tai. Climbing Mount Tai, one can overlook the scenery below the mountain and feel the magnificence of nature and one's own insignificance. Therefore, people often say: 'Climbing Mount Tai and seeing the world.'

The idiom 'Climbing Mount Tai and Seeing the World' comes from 'Zhuangzi•Free and Easy Wandering': 'Butcher Ding was cutting up an ox for Lord Wen-hui. At every touch of his hand, every heave of his shoulder, every move of his feet, every thrust of his knee - zip! zoop! He slithered the knife along with a zing, and all was in perfect rhythm, as though he were performing the dance of the Mulberry Grove or keeping time to the Ching-shou music. 'Ah, this is marvelous!' said Lord Wen-hui. 'Imagine skill reaching such heights!' But Butcher Ding replied, 'What I care about is the Way, which goes beyond skill. When I first began cutting up oxen, all I could see was the ox itself. After three years I no longer saw the whole ox. And now - now I go at it by spirit and don't look with my eyes. Perception and understanding have come to a stop and spirit moves where it wants. I go along with the natural makeup, strike in the big hollows, guide the knife through the big openings, and follow things as they are. So I never touch the smallest ligament or tendon, much less a main joint.

A good cook changes his knife once a year-because he cuts. A mediocre cook changes his knife once a month-because he hacks. I've had this knife of mine for nineteen years and I've cut up thousands of oxen with it, and yet the blade is as good as though it had just come from the grindstone. There are spaces between the joints, and the blade of the knife has really no thickness. If you insert what has no thickness into such spaces, then there's plenty of room - more than enough for the blade to play about it. That's why after nineteen years the blade of my knife is still as good as when it first came from the grindstone.

'However, whenever I come to a complicated place, I size up the difficulties, tell myself to watch out and be careful, keep my eyes on what I'm doing, work very slowly, and move the knife with the greatest subtlety, until - flop! the whole thing comes apart like a clod of earth crumbling to the ground. I stand there holding the knife and look all around me, completely satisfied and reluctant to move on, and then I wipe off the knife and put it away.'

'Excellent!' said Lord Wen-hui. 'I have heard the words of Cook Ting and learned how to care for life!''

This passage describes the process of Butcher Ding cutting an ox. He gradually moved from skills to the Dao, from seeing the appearance of the ox to seeing its essence. He used the method of spiritual encounter rather than visual encounter and official knowledge to stop while the spirit wanted to move, and finally reached the realm of not using names and shapes. He believed that only in this way could he truly understand the greatness of heaven and earth and truly achieve the state of no end for the saints, no merit for the gods, and no name for the sages.

Climbing Mount Tai is also such a process. People start climbing from the foot of the mountain and gradually reach the top of the mountain, overlooking the scenery below the mountain. In the process of climbing, people need to overcome various difficulties and obstacles, need patience and perseverance, and need the spirit of standing up to the sky and the ground. Finally, when people stand on the top of the mountain, they can truly feel their own insignificance and the broadness of nature. Therefore, people often say: 'Climbing Mount Tai and seeing the world.'




