


来源 :华课网校 2024-04-30 06:42:52


首先,我们来看看基础的酿造物品合成表。这个合成表包括了所有基础的酿造物品,如 Awkward Potion(生涩药水)、Mundane Potion(平凡药水)、Thick Potion(浓稠药水)等等。这些酿造物品都是用 Nether Wart(地狱疣)和水瓶作为基础原料合成的。

接下来,我们来看看一些更高级的酿造物品合成表。这些酿造物品可以用基础酿造物品和其他原材料合成得到。例如,使用基础的 Awkward Potion 和 Redstone Dust(红石粉)可以合成 Swiftness Potion(迅捷药水);使用基础的 Awkward Potion 和 Fermented Spider Eye(发酵的蜘蛛眼)可以合成 Poison Potion(毒药水)。

除此之外,还有一些特殊的酿造物品合成表,如 Tipped Arrow(尖头箭)和 Lingering Potion(残留药水)。这些物品都需要一些特殊的原材料才能制作得到。例如,制作 Tipped Arrow 需要箭、基础酿造物品和特殊的药水;制作 Lingering Potion 则需要基础酿造物品、龙息和其他特殊原材料。


1. 基础酿造物品合成表

- Awkward Potion(生涩药水):Nether Wart + Water Bottle

- Thick Potion(浓稠药水):Redstone Dust + Awkward Potion

- Mundane Potion(平凡药水):Glistering Melon Slice + Awkward Potion

- Potion of Water Breathing(水下呼吸药水):Pufferfish + Awkward Potion

- Potion of Night Vision(夜视药水):Golden Carrot + Awkward Potion

- Potion of Invisibility(隐身药水):Fermented Spider Eye + Potion of Night Vision

- Potion of Leaping(跳跃药水):Rabbit's Foot + Awkward Potion

- Potion of Fire Resistance(火焰抗性药水):Magma Cream + Awkward Potion

- Potion of Swiftness(迅捷药水):Sugar + Awkward Potion

- Potion of Healing(治疗药水):Glistening Melon Slice + Awkward Potion

- Potion of Strength(力量药水):Blaze Powder + Awkward Potion

- Potion of Poison(毒药水):Spider Eye + Awkward Potion

- Potion of Regeneration(再生药水):Ghast Tear + Awkward Potion

2. 高级酿造物品合成表

- Potion of Swiftness II(迅捷药水 II):Sugar + Potion of Swiftness

- Potion of Healing II(治疗药水 II):Glistening Melon Slice + Potion of Healing

- Potion of Strength II(力量药水 II):Blaze Powder + Potion of Strength

- Potion of Poison II(毒药水 II):Spider Eye + Potion of Poison

- Potion of Regeneration II(再生药水 II):Ghast Tear + Potion of Regeneration

- Potion of Water Breathing II(水下呼吸药水 II):Pufferfish + Potion of Water Breathing

- Potion of Night Vision II(夜视药水 II):Golden Carrot + Potion of Night Vision

- Potion of Invisibility II(隐身药水 II):Fermented Spider Eye + Potion of Invisibility

- Splash Potion of Weakness(虚弱溅射药水):Fermented Spider Eye + Mundane Potion(平凡药水)

- Splash Potion of Harming(伤害溅射药水):Instant Damage + Mundane Potion(平凡药水)

- Splash Potion of Poison(毒溅射药水):Spider Eye + Mundane Potion(平凡药水)

- Splash Potion of Regeneration(再生溅射药水):Ghast Tear + Mundane Potion(平凡药水)

- Splash Potion of Fire Resistance(火焰抗性溅射药水):Magma Cream + Mundane Potion(平凡药水)

- Splash Potion of Slowness(缓慢溅射药水):Fermented Spider Eye + Potion of Swiftness

- Splash Potion of Swiftness(迅捷溅射药水):Sugar + Mundane Potion(平凡药水)

- Splash Potion of Strength(力量溅射药水):Blaze Powder + Mundane Potion(平凡药水)

- Lingering Potion of Harming(伤害残留药水):Instant Damage + Dragon's Breath

- Lingering Potion of Poison(毒残留药水):Spider Eye + Dragon's Breath

- Lingering Potion of Regeneration(再生残留药水):Ghast Tear + Dragon's Breath

- Lingering Potion of Fire Resistance(火焰抗性残留药水):Magma Cream + Dragon's Breath

- Lingering Potion of Slowness(缓慢残留药水):Fermented Spider Eye + Lingering Potion of Swiftness

- Lingering Potion of Swiftness(迅捷残留药水):Sugar + Lingering Potion of Mundane

- Lingering Potion of Strength(力量残留药水):Blaze Powder + Lingering Potion of Mundane

3. 特殊酿造物品合成表

- Tipped Arrow(尖头箭):Arrow + Potion(任意种类)+ Dragon's Breath

- Spectral Arrow(荧光箭):Arrow + Glowstone Dust

- Arrow of Fire Resistance(火焰抗性箭):Arrow + Magma Cream

- Arrow of Harming(伤害箭):Arrow + Instant Damage

- Arrow of Poison(毒箭):Arrow + Poison Potion

- Arrow of Regeneration(再生箭):Arrow + Regeneration Potion

- Arrow of Slowness(缓慢箭):Arrow + Potion of Slowness

- Arrow of Strength(力量箭):Arrow + Strength Potion





