


来源 :华课网校 2024-06-21 00:42:28


1. 'The pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to our society and our way of life.'(疫情给我们的社会和生活方式带来了前所未有的挑战。)

2. 'We need to work together to slow the spread of the virus and protect our communities.'(我们需要共同努力,减缓病毒的传播并保护我们的社区。)

3. 'The pandemic has highlighted the importance of public health and the need for preparedness for future crises.'(疫情凸显了公共卫生的重要性以及未来危机应对的必要性。)

4. 'We must continue to follow health guidelines and take precautions to keep ourselves and others safe.'(我们必须继续遵循卫生指南并采取预防措施,以保护自己和他人的安全。)

5. 'The pandemic has also revealed the inequalities and disparities in our society, and the need for systemic change.'(疫情还揭示了我们社会中的不平等和差异,以及进行系统性变革的必要性。)

6. 'We must remember the sacrifices of frontline workers and support them in any way we can.'(我们必须记住前线工作者的牺牲,并尽我们所能支持他们。)

7. 'The pandemic has shown us the resilience and strength of our communities, and the importance of coming together in times of crisis.'(疫情向我们展示了我们社区的韧性和力量,以及在危机时刻团结在一起的重要性。)

8. 'We must prioritize science and evidence-based decision making in our response to the pandemic.'(我们必须将科学和基于证据的决策作为应对疫情的优先事项。)

9. 'The pandemic has forced us to adapt and innovate, and we must continue to do so in order to overcome this crisis.'(疫情迫使我们适应和创新,我们必须继续这样做以克服这场危机。)

10. 'We must remain vigilant and prepared for future outbreaks, and invest in global health security measures.'(我们必须保持警惕并为未来的疫情爆发做好准备,并投资于全球卫生安全措施。)




