


来源 :华课网校 2024-06-20 03:14:12



1. 朝发轫于苍梧兮, In the morning, I set out from Cangwu,

夕余至乎县圃。 And in the evening, I arrived at Xianpu.

2. 欲少留此灵琐兮, I wanted to stay a little longer at this sacred place,

日忽忽其将暮。 But the day was almost over.

3. 山行兮、若射鹿; I walked in the mountains, as if hunting for deer;

飞狐外传,谁与争锋? Who can compete with me, the hero of 'Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain'?

4. 草木有情兮,雨雪霏霏; The grass and trees are alive, amid the falling rain and snow;

兴赏析微兮,愁思陇陇。 I enjoy the scenery, but my worries are endless.

5. 惟庐江之清气, Only the clear air of Lujiang,

能激烈吾志。 Can inspire my spirit.

6. 众人皆醉我独醒, Everyone else is drunk, but I am sober;

举世皆浊我独清。 Everyone else is muddy, but I am pure.

7. 是以服食自陈, Therefore, I declare my accomplishments;

岂愧君子? Am I not a true gentleman?

8. 靡不有初,鲜克有终; Nothing lasts forever, and few things end well;

翻覆之日,常在今朝。 The day of downfall is always today.

9. 汨余阴森, The banks of the Mi River are dark and gloomy;

鸣凤悲歌, The Phoenix mourns with a sad song,

悠悠我心, And my heart is heavy and sad,

愁纷如麻。 Full of worries and troubles.

10. 谁为谁雄, Who is the hero, and who is the loser,

竞逐高下? In the race to achieve victory?

11. 黄鹄如云, The yellow crane is like a cloud,

层峦重嶂; The mountains and peaks are layered and towering;

竞渡泷洲, They race across the rapids of the Lang River,

千载谁逢? Who will meet them in a thousand years?

12. 临别赠言, As I bid farewell, I have something to say:

赠汝明珠一颗, I give you a precious pearl,

求寄身之处。 In the hope that you'll find a place to stay.

13. 出生入死, Life and death are intertwined;

亦死亦生。 They are both death and life.

14. 愿言配命, I hope to fulfill my destiny,

无所负人。 And not let anyone down.

15. 感时花溅泪, Tears fall as I am moved by the moment,

恨别鸟惊心。 My heart is broken by the parting birds.

16. 烽火连三月, The beacon fires have burned for three months,

家书抵万金。 Letters from home are worth more than gold.

17. 白头搔更短, My hair is graying and falling out,

浑欲不胜簪。 And I can hardly hold it up with pins.

18. 醉里挑灯看剑, Drunk, I light a lamp and examine my sword,

梦回吹角连营。 In my dream, I blow a horn and lead my troops into battle.




