Time Limit: 150 min.
I. Directions: Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket on your answer sheet. (30%)
1. The characteristics of the basic word stock include _________ .
C.national characters
D.all the above
II. Directions: Complete the following statements or paragraphs with proper expressions according to the course book on your answer sheet.(10%)
1.The relationship between sound and meaning is ________ or conventional.
III. Directions: Match the words in Column A with the words in Column B. and mark your answers on your answer sheet.(10%)
1.extension A.deer
2.narrowing B.holiday
3.elevation C.villain
4. degradation D.minister
IV. Directions: Study the following words and decide: (1) how words were formed (2) how words were changed in meaning . Put your answers in the bracket on your answer sheet. (10%)
Example One: disobey (prefixation)
Example Two: deer (narrowing)
V. Directions: Define the following terms.(10%)
VI. Directions: Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers on your answer sheet.(12%)
1. How do you distinguish English synonyms?
VII. Directions: Comment on the following sentences according to the instructions in the brackets. Write your answers on your answer sheet.(18%)
1.Trees surround the water near our summer place. (Comment on the sentence using the theory of hyponymy and then improve the sentence.)