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来源:考试网 [ 2012年10月14日 ] 【大 中 小】

Ⅱ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)

21. ______can convey messages in face-to-face communication. (   )

A. Gestures                                                       B. Written symbols

C. Facial expressions                                         D. Phonetic alphabets

22. English words borrowed from Latin are normally used in ______ contexts.  (   )

A. informal                                                      B. academic

C. religious                                                       D. intimate

23. ______ are a category of the subjunctive mood in English. (   )

A. Mandative subjunctives                                  B. Formulaic subjunctives

C. Conditionals                                                 D. Assumptives

24. In a telephone call,if the person wanted is not available,it is customary for the English speaking person to say “______”.  (   )

A. Thank you for calling.                                  B. Hold on a moment.

C. May I take a message?                                   D. Would you like to leave a message?

25. English proverbs can be classified into ______ categories. (   )

A. Christianity                                                  B. sexism

C. individualism                                                D. metaphors

26. Which of the following are metaphorical expressions about ideas? (   )

A. He is the father of modern biology.                B. His ideas will live on forever.

C. I’ve had a full life.                                       D. Life is empty for him.

27. --- Pass me the salt. (   )

 --- Pass me the salt,please.

  --- Would you please pass me the salt?

 The above utterances are arranged in an order of increasing degrees of______.

A. formality                                                     B. informality

C. politeness                                                     D. impoliteness

28. In a normal text,sentences are connected . (   )

A. informally                                                    B. formally

C. hypotactically                                               D. paratactically

29. In Chinese newspapers,______ are not reported so frequently as in English newspapers. 

(   )

A. political achievements                                   B. cultural achievements

C. crimes                                                          D. disasters

30. Our body odours may be affected by ______. (   )

A. orientation of house                                      B. exercise schedule

C. drinking water                                              D. emotional state
