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来源:考试网 [ 2014年5月19日 ] 【大 中 小】




  二、填空题(本大题共28小题,共3 6分)

  Section A:Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the group.


  21. am, was, were, would have stopped, stopped, will stop

  I ________ in a hurry that day, otherwise I ________ to talk to you for a minute.

  22. touch, touches, touching, attaches, attached, attaching

  It is ________ to see how a cat or dog ________ itself to a family.

  23. compels, compelled, is compelled, to do, doing, is doing

  A man can not be happy if he ________ by society to do what he does not enjoy ______.

  24. whom, whom each, each of whom, somewhat, something, some

  I can see three different types of composers in musical history, ________ creates music in a ________ different fashion.

  25. Which, What, That, is, was, were

  ________ I need most at this moment ________ a shower.

  26. have, has, had, slip, to slip, slipping

  Time ________ a way of ________ through your fingers like quicksand.

  27. mother, mother's, mothers ', know, have known, will know

  If you put yourself in your ________ position, you ________ why she was so worried.

  28. realized released, relieved commit, committed committing

  Once ________ from prison, he is likely to engage himself in the same business and ________ the same crime.

  Section B: Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets. Make changes or add something where necessary.


  29. All people need three ________ (certain) to feel healthy and positive about life.

  30. Go out of your house and choose a subject matter ________ (photograph), and that can

  range from a still life to a moving object.

  31. From my point of view, I _______ (not think) Tom is the sort of boy to change his mind easily.

  32. When Mr. Brown died at 90, two rooms of his house ________ (be) full of nibbled, yellowing newspapers.

  33. An important issue is whether doctors are justified in ________ (tell) these white lies to benefit the patients.

  34. Look! The light of his office is still on. The manager must ________ (be) in his office now.

  35. Most schools in England take football seriously --- much ________ (serious) than nearly all other European schools.

  36. My mother ________ (go) to the post office before she went to the supermarket to do her shopping.

  37. In yesterday's TV news, the president ________ (not specify) the date for his visit to France.

  38. Soon after that, labor markets became very tight and money wages rose ________ (rapid).

  39. When I returned home last evening, he had already fallen asleep. He must ________ (take) sleeping pills.

  40. —Has he finished white-washing the fence?

  —I ________ (not think)so because I saw him working at it two minutes ago.

  41. Our apartment is too big. Let's rent a ________ (small) one to save some money.

  42. The post office is a ________ (stone) throw away from the supermarket.

  43. Steve is widely ________ (acclaim) his outstanding contributions to the music world.

  44. The world population is ________ (explode) at an incredible rate. We should do something to help reduce it.

  45. Let’s have dinner together on New Year’s Eve, ________ (we)?

  46. She had done the work before you arrived, ________(she) ?

  47. The project ________ (which) they have been working for two years is a total failure.

  48. Do you know the longest river in the world? Yes, it’s ________ (Nile).

  三、改错题(本大题共1 2小题,每小题1分,共1 2分)

  Correct one error in each of the following sentences.

  49. Tom stayed in the hospital for three weeks after he was injured in the accident.

  50. If only my wife stops her constant complaining.

  51. Because of terrible air pollution, this city is no longer a good place to be lived in.

  52. Technically speaking, identity cards may be counterfeited.

  53. Such a good chance should never be let it slip. You should grasp it.

  54. The student is interested and capable of the work his teacher has asked him to do.

  55. I think he is honest because he told the police all what he knew.

  56. Yao Ming is very tall, that I will never be.

  57. Hardly did she return to her office when the phone started to ring.

  58. Obviously speaking, he is not capable of dealing with the complaints from the customers.

  59. Every drop of tears, every moan out of pain and every cry for help were like knife cutting

  deep into my heart.

  60. —Do you think Susan will pass the math exam which is to be held next week?

  —Probably won't.
