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来源:考试网 [ 2012年9月26日 ] 【大 中 小】

46. It has long been believed that animals like dogs ______.

 A. do not have the sense of guilt

 B. have a simple form of jealousy

 C. do not have self-consciousness

 D. have the feeling of compassion

47. The purpose of the experiment at the University of Vienna was to ______.

 A. show dogs’ response to rewards

B. test dogs’ sense of cooperation

 C. demonstrate dogs’ emotion of envy

 D. measure dogs’ refusal of commands

48. The word “anthropomorphic” in Paragraph 3 most probably means ______.

 A. like human                                              B. like animal

 C. intricate                                                  D. indefinite

49. According to the general understanding, secondary emotions ______.

 A. lead to less difficult evolution process

 B. result from more sophisticated social behaviour

 C. are more necessary for survival than primary emotions

 D. are less common among animals other than human beings

50. “Man’s Best Friend is the jealous type” is good news because ______.

 A. it makes human beings feel less guilty

 B. it indicates that animals also have fights

 C. it helps improve people’s treatment of animals

 D. it proves that dogs are superior to other animals
