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来源:考试网 [ 2011年7月21日 ] 【大 中 小】

II. Answer the Questions. (30 points, 3 points for each)
Directions: Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.
51. How many political divisions are there in Britain? What are they?
52. What questions did Elizabeth I treat as personal and private?
53. What were the two events in the world which most alarmed the British ruling classes in the closing decades of the 18th century?
54. Which are the five biggest cities in terms of population in the United States?
55. What are the three branches of the American government?考试
56. What does Mark Twain want to put across in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?
57. When was the name of the country officially changed to Ireland?
58. Who are easy to immigrate to Canada now?
59. In terms of land area and population, which is the biggest state and which is the smallest state in Australia?
60. What are the two active volcanoes in New Zealand?
III. Term Explanation. (20 points, 5 points for each)
Directions: Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet in around 40 words.
61. the Chartist Movement
62. Constitutional Monarchy
63. the Bill of Rights of America
64. the Federal System of America

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