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来源:考试网 [ 2012年8月23日 ] 【大 中 小】

6. Asia’s affectionate love with real estate has been prompted by easy money and accommodative local government policies. (      )

A. helpful                                                      B. preparatory

C. extensive                                                   D. compositional

7. The deposits in credit institutions have reached enormous figures, and this plethora has caused disastrous results.(      )

A. decrease                                                    B. reduction

C. excess                                                       D. exaggeration

8. To the administration, Tokyo appears more “results-oriented”, prompting hopes that bargains can be reached with Japan to ease frictions on a range of issues. (      )

A. low prices                                                  B. great deals

C. arrangements                                             D. conclusions

9. The effect is amplified, MITI argues, because 35% of American exports to Japan are industrial commodities, which are highly sensitive to the business cycle. (      )

A. intended                                                   B. simplified 

C. exaggerated                                               D. diversified

10. Sometimes the problem isn’t that we lack sufficient information. We have a precise picture of ourselves or a situation, but we capitulate the first time someone challenges us.(      )

A. accustom                                                  B. succumb

C. capture                                                     D. control
