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来源:考试网 [ 2013年9月11日 ] 【大 中 小】





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1. 对初学翻译的人有两条要求:忠实和通顺,其中

A. 忠实指的是语言,通顺指的是内容。

B. 忠实指的是作者,通顺指的是译者。

C. 忠实指的是内容,通顺指的是语言。

2. 中国历史上出现过许多著名的翻译大师,但他们的翻译观则各不相同,东晋前秦时的高僧释道安主张______,后秦高僧鸠摩罗什倾向于______ ,唐高僧玄奘倾向于 ______。

A. 直译,意译,直译          B. 意译,直译,直译          C. 意译,直译,意译

3. 关于风格的翻译,有的学者认为可译,有的学者则认为不可译。主张风格可译的是下列学者

A.茅盾、刘隆惠                  B. 周煦良、罗新璋             C. 茅盾、罗新璋

4. The canals were not made to carry pleasure boats, but barges.

A. 修运河的目的是为了游船的通行,而不是为了驳船的通行。

B. 修运河的目的不仅是为了游船的通行,也是为了驳船的通行。

C. 修运河的目的不是为了游船的通行,而是为了驳船的通行。

5. It may be that the birth and death of the day had some part in my feeling about the two ranges of mountains.

A. 也许是每一天的生死挣扎使我对这两条山脉产生了不同的情感。

B. 也许每一天的生和死的现象影响了我对这两条山脉的情感。

C. 也许是日出日落影响到我对这两条山脉的情感。

6. Perfumes may be made from the oils of certain flowers.

A. 香水油料可能是由某些花制成的。

B. 某些花可能是香水制成的油料。

C. 某些花所产生的油可以用来制造成香水。

7. 目前,中国粮食单产水平与世界粮食高产国家相比是低的。

A. At present, China’s per unit area yield of grain is low compared to the countries with high grain yield.

B. At present, China’s per unit area yield of grain is low compared the countries with high grain yield.

C. At present, China’s per unit area yield of grain is low compared with the countries with high grain yield.

8. 他的书写出了对童年生活的眷恋,对小河流水的深情。

A. His book revealed his love for his childhood life and expressed his deep feelings towards the flowing water of a creek.

B. In the book, he revealed his love for his childhood life and expressed his deep feelings towards the flowing water of a creek.

C. For his book, he revealed his love for his childhood life and expressed his deep feelings towards the flowing water of a creek.

9. 在合营企业的注册资本中,外国合营者的投资比例一般不低于25%。

A. The proportion of the foreign joint venture’s investment in an equity joint venture can not be, in general,no less than 25% of its registered capital.

B. The proportion of the foreign joint venture’s investment in an equity joint venture must be, in general, 25% of its registered capital at least.

C. The proportion of the foreign joint venture’s investment in an equity joint venture shall be, in general,not less than 25% of its registered capital.

10. 据联合国粮农组织统计,在八十年代世界增产的谷物中,中国占31%的份额。

A. Statistics from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization show that China contributed 31% of the world’s increased grain output in the 1980s.

B. Statistics from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization show that China devoted 31% of the world’s increased grain output in the 1980.

C. Statistics from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization show that China occupied 31% of the world’s increased grain output in the 1980.

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