1.英语和汉语相比,具有以下特点( )
A. 英语少重复,少用代词;汉语多重复,多用代词。
B. 英语多重复,少用代词;汉语少重复,多用代词。
C. 英语少重复,多用代词;汉语多重复,少用代词。
2.严复提出“信、达、雅”是我国近代最有影响的翻译理论,他首次提出该理论是在翻译下面哪部著作时提出来的?( )
3. 下列哪种说法正确?( )
A. 就英译汉而言,断句的情况多。
B. 就汉译英而言,并句的情况多。
C. 就汉译英而言,断句的情况多。
4.五四运动是一次反帝反封建的爱国运动。( )
A. The May 4th Movement was a patriotic movement against imperialism and feudalism.
B. The May 4th Movement was a patriotic movement to imperialism and feudalism.
C. The May 4th Movement was a patriotic movement for imperialism and feudalism.
5. 这时,大雨象瓢泼一样,我赶紧把衣服脱下来,紧紧地抱在怀里。( )
A. When it rained cats and dogs, then I hurriedly took off my gown and clutched my heart.
B. At the time, it rained cats and dogs, so I hurriedly took off my gown and clutched it to my heart.
C. It rained cats and dogs, when I hurriedly took off and clutched my gown to my heart.
6. 中国是一个发展中的沿海大国。( )
A. China is a major developing coastal country.
B. China is a major coastal developing country.
C. China is a major developing country with long coastline.
7. In the last 7 years, jobs supported by U.S. exports have risen to a total of 11 million.( )
A. 在最后的7年中,美国出口所创造的就业机会的总数增加了一亿一千万个。
B. 在过去的7年中,美国出口所创造的就业机会的总数增加到了一千一百万个。
C. 在最近的7年中,美国出口所创造的就业机会的总数增加到了一百万零一千个。