1.1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.A
II. 21.AD 22.AB 23.CD 24.ACD 25.AC 26.ABCD 27.ACD 28.BCD 29.CD 30.ABCD
III. 31. carrier and container 32. Connotative meaning 33. Privacy 34. Morphemes 35. "Thank you for encouraging me" 36. "Who is calling, please?" 37. "Never cast your pearls before swine" 38. The Canterbury Tales 39. unhappy feelings 40. Euphemisms 41. Deduction 42. nonverbal communication systems
IV.43.The western people, who may have received strict training in formal logic, are good at abstract or logic thinking. The Chinese people are accustomed to artistic thinking.
44.The difference is that one can buy most kinds of medicine and some kinds of medical apparatus in a "药店", but without a doctor' s prescription one can buy only a few kinds of medicine and one can also buy toiletries, food and various other small articles in a drugstore.
45.The difference is that the Chinese people feel it necessary to use the modifier "鬼" to show that the "face' is unusual, whereas the English speaking people do not. 46. Compare with English writing. Chinese narrative and descriptive writing is more ornate or flowery in a Chinese text. One can find not only
adjectives but also similes and metaphors. However, there are few similes and metaphors in an English one. In addition, frequent use of hyperbolas is allowed in Chinese descriptive writing.
47. Gestures can be classified into five categories: emblems, illustrators, regulators affect displays , and adapters.
48. Time is very important to our lives. Firstly, our daily activities are time scheduled. Secondly, our oral language clearly makes time an over riding force.
V.A.49. 船在暴风雨中不择港口或:慌不择路
B. 53. Court doors may open, but not to the poor
54. Look before you lap
55. Thrift is philosopher’s store
56. Whom God would ruin, he first deprives of reason.
VI. 57. Words are units of expression which language users can intuitively recognize in either speech or writing. In speech words are sequences of speech sounds between pauses, and in writing words are sequences of letters between blanks.
58. Allusions are implied or indirect references to characters or events from culture: literature, legends, history, religion, sports, etc.
59. "Text structures" refer to the ways in which the parts of a text are organized and related to one another to form a meaningful whole.
60. Advertising is defined as "the nonpersonal communication usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, service or ideas by identified sponsors through different media.
61. Emblems ore physical acts that can fully take the place of spoken words.
VII.62. The Norman Conquest brought the French language into England. At that time France was culturally more advanced than England and used mainly in formal and literary contexts (e.g. questions) .English words were mainly used when common topics were talked about(e. g. ask) . English has been closely related to Latin as well. The English ancestors--the German speaking Angles, Saxons and Jutes borrowed from the culturally more advanced Latin - speaking Roman dozens of words from Latin .The Christianization of Great Britain in the seventh and eighth centuries, the Renaissance period and the Industrial Revolution saw many more Latin words (e. g. interrogate) enter English and found their use in academic writings or legal, religious or official documents. As a result, in modern English many Latin words, loan words from French and words of English origin are used alongside to from triples of synonyms.
63. The differences in spelling between American and British English resulted from different spelling reform policies adopted in the U. S. A and the U. K. It seems that the Americans adopted a more radical spelling reform policy than the Englishmen. English is a language notorious for the non - correspondence between pronunciation and spelling. A letter or a combination of letters may be pronounced in different ways when they occur in different words. The Englishmen tend to naturalize the pronunciation but retain the spelling of the loan words, while the Americans tend to naturalize the spelling of the words that demonstrate severe non - correspondence between pronunciation and spelling. This causes many differences in spelling between American and British English.